Part 13-The big move

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I understand I was rude last night..I love Klaus but sometimes oh my god leave! I needed sleep because I was going to grab all of my stuff and move it. I didn't tell five so it wouldn't be a big deal.I woke up to five handing me coffee.

F: morning.
Y: I'm sorry.. last night I got a little rude..
F: It's fine.
Y: It's not but whatever
F: I hate asking this but is it... that time.. you know.. of the month
Y: Shit! I knew it was soon I completely forgot! I gotta go to the store now

I looked on the bed to make sure I didn't have to wash the sheets. Luckily I didn't it was perfectly fine. I started getting ready and five did too.

Y: you don't have to help.
F: To bad I'm helping.
Y: ok

I laugh as he giggles then hugs me.

F: I love you
Y: I love you.. more!
F: No!

I start running Dow the stairs as he chased me. Then he teleported right in front of me and picked me up threw me over his shoulder and walked to his room again, he wasn't ready so I waited on the bed.

Y: You done yet
F: No
Y: you don't yet
F: .. no
Y: You-
F: No!
Y: Meany. I want to gooo
F: Oh I'm mean..
He kissed me on the lips and walked out of his room. I followed him and went to the car.

F: no where gonna teleport.
Y: Hell to the fuck no.
F: yes
Y: Fine
F: Ready ..3...2..1!

I closed my eyes and when I opened them we were there. I'm getting used to it now that's he's done it so many times!

Y: Ok I'll be back
F: Ok I'll be out here... doing nothing.
Y: ok weirdo

I grabbed the essentials and move outside to see five siting on the bench.

F:hello beautiful
Y: good morning handsome

He grabbed me and we left, And my grabbed  me I meant he picked me up and gave me a piggy back ride.

Y: Will you put me down!!
F: Not till we get to your house.
Y: Ughhhh
F: By the way your moving in with us
Y: what?!?
F: Yeah I talked to Allison this morning and she agreed you would be happier here.
Y: Um thank you that helps a lot
F: And I bet you can imagine Klaus
was jumping up and down
Y: that's why you where up before me!
F: I'm alway up before you baby

He was right. As soon as we got to the house all my stuff was in my lol looked at five with a death stare and we went upstairs.

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