Part 7-Look like shit

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I honestly don't know why I felt like I was going to throw up, but I think Allison put something in my waffle... I didn't want to say anything just in case.

F: you good y/n?
Y: um.. yeah my stomach just hurts

The next thing I knew I threw up all over five. I'm pretty sure he looked at me as if he hated me. I ran upstairs and went to the bathroom, I locked the door so nobody could get in.. of course, five teleports to me and holds up my hair.

Y: you don't have to...
F: I want to help. I will do whatever it takes to help.

I started to have a panic attack. I can't stand throwing up.. then I felt a hug from five he could see I was freaking the fuck out, it calmed me down I'm not gonna lie...

Y: T-thanks
F: you welcome I'll be here as long as you want.
Y: I don't care. What if I'm sick, I don't want to get you sick!
F: I don't care

He kissed me on the forehead.

F: I'm gonna change I'll be back
Y: ok

I later on the cold bathroom floor waiting to either throw up or five to get back. Then Allison opened the door, I sat up and she stared at me.

A: I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you throw up...
Y: as long as you didn't do it on purpose.
A: I- well...
Y: Why would you do that?
A: I wanted revenge...
Y: on what?
A: you use to be my friend but then you started to get along with Vanya.. so I wanted revenge

Five walked in and taps Allison's shoulder.

Y: that's why I know you! Allison, I didn't hate you or get along with Vanya better! You wanted to be with your brother! I didn't like your brother because he always picked on me! So I hung out with Vanya!

She started to tear up. I wiped her tears.. then threw up again.

F: Allison move I want to put up her hair

She moved and I looked like shit. I still wanted to go to the party so I told five to go grab Gatorade and crackers. That's what my mom gave me when I was sick.

A: I can watch her five.
F: ok I love you y/n. I'll be back

He teleported away and I and Allison talked till he came back to get the thought of throwing up away.

Y: thanks
F: no problem, maybe we should go to the party...
Y: no I want to go so I will still try...
F: if you don't throw up in 2 hours then we will go.
Y: ok

He kissed me on my forehead And sat down on the cold bathroom floor

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