take care of your boyfriend | Jeno

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Author’s pov 
Jeno: Y/n? Princess. What are you doing? 
Y/n: studying? Online meeting right now. . Do you need anything? 
Jeno: No? Is your camera on? 
Y/n: No. . Camera and mic are mute. I don’t want to open my camera and we are shouldn’t unmute our mic because the teacher is talking 
Jeno: Oh. . how l-long is your class until it ends? Is it long? 
Y/n: Um. . let see. . . around 45 minutes then my school class will be done 
Jeno: So long~ 
Y/n: Do you need anything? Why are you suddenly asking me today? Usually when you hang here you just on your own 
Jeno: I need a hug 
Y/n: Oh. . why? Are you feeling down? If so. . I can skip my clas-
Jeno: N-no. . I’m not feeling down. I just need a hug. . that’s all. Don’t skip your class
Y/n: Are you sure baby? I can if you aren’t feeling good though 
Jeno: I’m sure. . 
Y/n: Okay. . tell me if you need something then
Jeno: Um. . I will 
You nod at him before you turn back and focus on the meeting and listen to your teacher while taking some notes at the same time. To be honest you are kinda confused about your school stuff but you are too lazy to ask for help. It isn’t that bad though. . just sometime during class you daydream a lot. Suddenly Jeno pulls a chair to sit beside you and look at your note 
Y/n: What? 
Jeno: Nothing? Your notes are so pretty. . Did you practice your handwriting or what? 
Y/n: No? Just normal handwriting. I don’t have that much time to practice and you know that
Jeno: Well. . because I need your attention.
Y/n: But not now, I’m on my class right now
Jeno: Okay. .? Focus on your class then. I did distract you. . Right? I’m just sitting here and talk 
You just smile and turn back to focus on the meets again. After a few minutes pass by, Jeno slowly grabs your hand and holds it tightly. You raised your eyebrow at him in confusion 
Y/n: What are you doing? 
Jeno: Nothing? Just holding your hand? Can’t I? 
Y/n: U-uh. . you can. . but why at the most random moment? And suddenly want to hold my hand out of nowhere? 
Jeno: Focus on your class and stop talking to me 
You nod at him and look at your laptop screen yet still checking on him but after many minutes pass by you suddenly get super motivated in learning so you stop checking on him but he still holds your hand tightly in his hand. After about 30 minutes pass by the teacher suddenly say 
Teacher: okay! Class! That’s it for today. Please don’t forget to do your assignment and submit it by next monday 
After that you end the meeting and turn to look at Jeno who’s already asleep but still holding. You couldn’t help but smile at his action. . This is what you like about him. . doing the smallest and making it so memorable and cutest. You stare at him for a minute before you try to remove your hand from his but he holds them even tighter. 
Y/n: Jeno-ah. . hey wake up, let’s sleep on the bed okay? 
Jeno: H-huh? Your school is done already? 
Y/n: Yes, my class is done. Come on, let go of my hand and go sleep on the bed. I will go make something for us. What do you want to eat? 
Jeno: Can we. . just cuddle? For now? We can eat later. You are not hungry right? 
Y/n: no? If you want to cuddle then let’s go to the bed okay? Come on, stand up 
He pouts cutely and stands up from the chair and walks to the bed while holding your hand. When he gets to the bed he just gets on the bed then didn’t waste any time and pulls down to the bed and wrapped his arms around you 
Y/n: Are you sick? Baby? 
Jeno: No. . I-i. . just feel a bit dizzy. Don’t worry. . I think I didn’t get enough sleep that’s why. . I guess after this sleep I will feel better 
You nod let out a small sigh and don't ask him more because you want him to rest. . and don’t want to bother him. . after some minutes pass by you can feel his body getting hotter. And he’s sweating but he pulls the blanket to cover both of you. You started to get even more worried about him, so you put your balm on his forehead and found out that he might have a fever. You tried to free yourself from his hug but he’s hugging you too tight 
Y/n: Baby? Can you let go of me for some minutes? 
Jeno: w-why? 
Y/n: I will get more blankets for you okay? I will be back 
Jeno nods at you and slowly loses his arms around you then covers himself with the blanket. You stare at him for a few seconds before you walk to the closet and get an extra blanket to warm him up. Then cover him. After that you get a cool wet tower to swipt his sweat away and try to cool his body temperature down. About 10 minutes of trying his body temperature cool down yet he’s still feeling cold. 
Y/n: Did he do something yesterday while it’s raining? Or is it just too much work? 
You sigh and pout in worry about him, then what you do next is walk to the kitchen and prepare to cook pork porridge for him. You get the ingredients and don't forget to wash them carefully to clean it before you cook. After you finish you put them in the tray and about to go call him but then you feel a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and rest the chin on your shoulder. 
Jeno: W-why are you here?
Y/n: Baby? I should ask you that? Go back to the bed. I just made some soup for you
Jeno: Why are you so cold? 
Y/n: Huh? Cold?
Jeno: I mean cold like body temperature not like personality 
Y/n: I know. . but like you know it’s your body that’s warm . . come on, let go of me and go back 
Jeno: Can’t I sleep on your s-shoulder? Right here? 
Y/n: *giggle* cute ^^, Come on. . I will help take you back 
You wrap his hands from your waist and turn to look at him then smile at him sweetly. He’s on his hoodie covering his face. You help track his way back to the bed then cover him with the blanket. Then walk back to the kitchener and take the tray of food and water back to the bedroom. 
Y/n: Jeno? Do you want to eat now? So, you can take medicine 
Jeno: Can you feed me then? 
Y/n: Of course
He sits up from the position that he’s in. He shows a small warm smile underneath his hood to make you feel better and less worried about him
Jeno: Don’t be so worried, princess  . . I’m doing just fine.  
Y/N: You can’t stop me from worrying about you, it’s a feeling that I can’t. . you should ask the company for rest time too. . you’ve been working hard. . since then till now 
Jeno: It’s nothing serious, baby. . don’t need to be worry
Y/n: Yeah? That’s what you said last time. . Now open your mouth and eat 
Jeno shows his eye smile at you and opens his mouth for you to feed him. You seriously so worried about him but he’s acting like there’s nothing serious
Jeno: Since was the last time that you fed me? I miss it 
Y/n: I don’t remember. . too, but you can ask me to feed you any time . . if that’s what you want 
Jeno: ^^. Princess? Do you think. . we should go on a date? It’s been a long time. . since we went on a date 
Y/n: Today? 
Jeno: Yes, tonight 
Y/n: No. . Wait until you get better then we can go okay? You are still sick and if you go outside at night then you would get more sick, because there’s a lot of cold wind outside 
Jeno: I would be okay. I know that 
Y/n: I know you are strong enough, but that doesn't make me feel less worried about you. What about your fan? Won’t they be sad because you don’t take care of yourself? 
Jeno: I told you it’s nothing, don’t you trust me? 
Y/n: I do, but I’m worried . . . You are a hard worker, I know that, but sometimes it’s always better to take a break before you walk forward. Do you know that? 
Jeno: I know. . 
He pouts and look down not making any eye contact with you
Y/n: Jeno-ah, don’t be sad. . I’m sorry. . I didn’t mean to scold you . . I’m just . . Just-
Jeno: I’m not sad or mad at you. . I’m just thinking how grateful I am to have you. . Whose always be by my side and comfort me. . I don’t know what I would be if I don’t have you 
Y/n: Why are you saying things like that? 
Jeno: I’m just telling you. . what I feel right now. . I’m tired. . of everything. If you are not with me then I would be gone. . already 
You put the tray of food away then Jeno wrapped his arms around you to hug you tightly. Then he let out his tears that he'd been holding. You stay quiet and patted his head softy for a few minutes before you begin to speak again 
Y/n: H-hey, don’t ever think of that, you are doing great job already 
Jeno: But still not good enough right? 
Y/n: No baby, it’s good already, you can’t make everyone like the way you are. . not good enough for other people but good enough for millions of fans and me. You are more than enough, people just don’t see. I know you work so hard and I’m proud of you. But you have to talk care of yourself too, i don’t want to lose you
Jeno: I’m sorry, for making you worried. . everything is just not the same. . it just spinning around my head and messing up. I-i don’t know how to express it
Y/n: It’s fine, you will be okay, you don’t have to be so hard on yourself. You can stop smiling sometimes. . sometimes fake it making it worse. . not making it better
Jeno: I love you
Y/n: H-huh? All of su-sudden? 
Jeno: *giggle* Yes, but princess? Can I not take the medicine? I don’t like it 
Y/n: So you said that because you don’t want to take any medicine? Hum? 
Jeno: No? I love you for real. . but you know I hate medicine 
Y/n: Then take care of yourself next time, so you won’t have to take any medicine again. You know you get sick so easily. 
Jeno: Okay ^^ I will, sorry for making you worried 
Y/n: Don’t have to be sorry, now you can let go of me. I will get water for you and get the medicine for you. So you can rest 
Jeno: Are you sure you can reach-
Y/n: Are you making fun of my height again? You are this sick and still have the audacity to make jokes? 
Jeno: Can’t help. . I’m just telling you some fact about yourself 
Y/n: So mean *pout* Let go of me now, I can reach it, you don’t have to worry Mr.Lee. This is my place, not your
Jeno: seriously? Princess? But I help you stay here
Y/n: Still, you are a guest not the owner. Let go of me now. I need to go-
Jeno: No~ I don’t want to let go of you. . what if you fall. . for someone new? 
You couldn’t help but blush at his flirting joke. . 
Y/n: I won’t. . fall for others, I fall too deep for you already. We can cuddle later okay? 
Jeno smiles and pouts at the same time, before he slowly loses his arms. Yet still didn’t want you to leave him. 
Y/n: If you don’t let go of me-
Jeno: I’m letting go now! I didn’t even hold you to let you stay, you just want to stay 
You smile at him and walk to grab the medicine that you have and grab a cup of water for. You give it to him but he just stare at your hand 
Y/n: Take it? Do you also want me to feed you too? Because I can 
Jeno: mouth to mouth? 
Y/n: N-no? Hand to mouth, why would I feed you mouth to mouth? Come on take your medicine
Jeno: You remember? Last time I did it for you. It’s time to pay back You know? 
Y/n: No
Jeno: Y/n, Come on~ I  really need your help, please 
Y/n: No, it’s not okay to do that, it’s-
Jeno: How is it not okay? It’s not disgusting, it’s just like we are kissing 
Y/n: Are you serious? Just . . take it, you don’t need me to help you, it’s just a medicine 
Jeno: I ain’t taking it
He pouts and looks away from you, you sigh and take the medicine from your hand and bite it with your teeth, then grab his face and kiss him (Cringe AF AH!) 
Jeno: I need water
You Cover your mouth while handing him the cup of water. Jeno just laughs at your action while drinking his water. 
Jeno: It ain’t that bad though. . thank you 
Y/n: You are not welcome
Jeno: Come on, time to cuddle . . I’m waiting 
You smile and lay yourself beside him and hug him tightly, he smiles and patted your head softly 
Jeno: Thank you, princess 
Y/n: I did nothing, what are you thank you for? 
Jeno: The kiss 
Y/n: Shut up, dummy> If it’s not for you I wouldn’t do it, it's so Urg! 
Jeno: What do you mean by that? What does that mean? 
Y/n: You know what I’m talking about 
Jeno: Oh ya? Love you 

nct short ff / oneshot || Ot23 | deardreamTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang