Getting Closer

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Gavin's POV
I don't know know what came over me I suddenly felt guilty for punching the Android and I hated that I did, his pushing was unexpected as well I thought they weren't supposed to do that kinda stuff unless they were deviant. It hit me I had deviated from the damn thing.

Third-person POV

*3 months later*

Three months after Nines had deviated he started feeling human emotions mainly anger and fear due to Gavin yelling and being aggressive towards him, but recently he had developed a new feeling towards Gavin one that he hadn't ever felt before, one he was sure what it was. All Nines knew was that he didn't want to leave the Detective's side at all times but wasn't sure why he felt that way. He'd have to look that up.

Nines POV
It was our day off, the only day we got per month, we hardly got time off Fowler was never really one to give us time off but we made the most of it while we could. I found the feeling that I felt towards Gavin was love, I have fallen in love with my partner but he hated me there would be no way he'd end up dating me it wouldn't work I'm wasn't even human. I had also recently found out that Gavin liked baking something I never thought he'd like to do, he wanted to go out and get the thing to bake something.

When we were at the grocery store I walked behind Gavin while got the ingredients he needed for what wanted to bake, when we were at the icing he kept looking at me especially my cyber life jacket. He picked up two blue looking at me holding them up "Hey Tincan, what one looks more like therium?" he asks me I looked at them pointing to the dark one he was holding up. He put the lighter on the back putting the darker one in his basket going to the check "you aren't helping me" he said," then what am I supposed to do?" I asked him. "Don't know but you aren't helping me" he repeated" I guess I could look upon the case" once I said that I knew that Gavin was mad.

Gavin POV
It pissed me off that he brought up work on our only day off I didn't want to think about work on my day" do whatever you want I don't care" I snapped at him "I'll go wait by the car"I heard him saying I didn't care he had pissed me off. Once I had done paying for the things I walked out of the car putting it all in the trunk completely ignoring the Android his LED was yellow but I didn't care.

We were both quiet the whole car ride home, I wasn't complaining I was pissed off at him, once we got back to my apartment I went to the trunk slamming the door behind me making Nines jump. As I opened the trunk I looked up to look for the Android he was heading to the apartment building"hey asshole come help me!" I yelled at him I heard him muttering something as he walked over to me it sounded like I have feelings too which I responded"no you don't" as I grabbed bags from the trunk going into the apartment complex going up to my apartment.

When we got there I opened the door walking in leaving it open knew Nines would get it, I walked into the kitchen getting greeted by pumpkin then he walked in and she jumped right one to his shoulder the cat loved him sometimes it felt like she loved him more"get out" I said looking at him. When he left I started baking I could hear him play with a pumpkin.

Nines POV
While Gavin baked the cupcakes I play pumpkin we play with the laser pointer it was her favourite toy she loved it. As we play I could smell the cupcakes being made the smell so good they would have me hungry if I could feel hunger. I didn't want him to be angry at him he scared me when he was angry he'd yell a lot I wanted to him how I feel but now wasn't a good time.

I played with pumpkin a little longer before she ends up getting bored and went to lay down, I put the pointer down looked into the kitchen watching Gavin he looked calmer maybe I could tell him how I felt.

I walked into the kitchen a little afraid to tell him" detective can I ask something?" I asked to which he looked at me. I walked towards him and just kissed him and to my surprise, he kissed back I thought he would have pushed me away but he didn't. I polled away and I held him in and him close to me for a while, it felt nice having him in my embrace.

Gavin's POV

once Nines had embraced me for a while I had to the cupcakes out of the oven then smelled good even Nines said they did, as the cupcakes cooled he embraced me more it felt nice when the cupcake had cooled I had decided to allow Nines to help me decorate but I made him turn around so he couldn't see me put blue icing into them, once I had I got him to turn around and we started decorating them together it was a lot of fun. 
The one he did end up looking like Connor" we should smash that one in Connor's face" I laughed to which Nines agreed laughing, I ended up messing up the  little triangle on Nines jacket" phck I messed up the triangle on your jacket"I said looking at it, he looked at it" it doesn't matter, they  don't have to be perfect" he replied. "Yeah it does, oh well I guess I can just to this" I said as picked up the cupcake and smashed it in his face and started laughing noticing his LED turn red. "What was that for?" He asked me to which shrugged"wanted you to taste it, does it taste good?" I asked" I does but I can eat" he answered we finished decorating the cupcakes so we could take them in to work the next day.

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