Ted: The author sometimes puts those fake-outs in their other works as well, the paragraph after that is full truth though.

Seb: "Explosion users produce an explosive gas from their mouths which they can manipulate and detonate at any time."

Ted: We're back bitches!

Seb: Jesus fucking Christ! You scared me!

Ted: Pay attention then.

Ezra: Your classmates and David got back a little bit before you did.

Ted: Nice, well let's get going.

Ren: Wait, where the fuck is Theo?

Theo: Right here bitches.

Theo comes from behind Suba and Gwen.

Theo: Just having a casual conversation with your friends.

Ren: Pretty sure those are Ted's friends.

Theo: That's who I was talking to dumbass.

Ted: Could've sworn you were my bitch.

Theo: It's been a month bitch boy! I'm not your bitch anymore.


A few hours before the tournament

Theo: Oi, copycat, let's make a deal.

Ted: What, burnt bitch?

Theo: If by some magical force, you don't come in first place in every event, I become your bitch till you get your second activation.

Ted: Okay, what if I do?

Theo: Then you have to let me use the sword during the tournament

Ted: Deal.

Theo: Jk I'm not waiting that long, I'll play along for a month then I'll go back to my normal self.

Flashback end~~~~~~~

Ted: You sneaky bitch. Fine. I was tired of you being my bitch anyway.

Ren: You're being chill, unusually so. Why?

Ted: Lazy day.

Ren: That explains... a lot actually.

Ref: Alright fuckers let's go.

Badabadpa time skip.

Ted, Seb, and Lettuce were sitting on a couch, just chilling, all of their eyes are slightly red.

Seb: If you think about it, We've only seen Ref fight once, and he only threw one punch.

Ted: Hehe ha! Guess you could call him the One Punch Man!

All of them laugh.

*cocks gun* that includes you too.

Ted: He ha! cocks.

More laughter ensues.

Lettuce: Hey, Ted, isn't your birthday in like a week?

Ted: Oh shit it is.

Seb: Whadyou got planned?

Ted: I dunno, stuff.

Theo: That means he's gonna spend all day skulking.

Seb: How did you get into my house?

Theo: Door.

Theo motions to the open door showcasing the multiple giant villains running amok.

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