"You gon tell me where she is or do I gotta put outta amber alert?" I aid for twan. I knew he knew exactly where she was. "Why you think I would know where she is?"

"She trusts you more, so, I'm guessing she confides in you more. Meaning, you know where she is & you're going to help me."

"I think she needs some space before you just try and mommy her right now. She's pissed & prolly not tryna hear what you want to say."

"That doesn't matter right now. I need her to know I'm sorry."
"Are you fa real tho?"

"Of course I'm fa real, Antwan. How you go from encouraging me to saying I need to wait?"

"Because I know Milan & I know you.... So I know that if you try and rush into it, it's gon come off as youn care, she gon notice, and then we back at square one."

"I do care. If I didn't care, I wouldn't be doing this."
"I'm hearing you, but she not gon be hearing you like this. So chill for a while."

"Antwan.... I gotta do it now. Cause wonder if she not tryna hear me later? Waiting until it's too late is 10x worse."

He sighed and gave in, "Aight.. gon head."
-Milan POV

I was sitting outside of the abortion clinic contemplating. I know I said I wouldn't give the baby up, but in all honesty I have no idea what I'm doing.

Damn near have no place to stay.
My job is not enough to support two people.
I have no support system .... Nothing.

It wouldn't even be fair for me to raise a child in conditions like this. Not fair to me nor the baby. I took a deep breath in as I opened the car door and was about to go walk inside, but my phone rang in my purse. I went through my purse and pulled it out.

It was my mom.
She was the last person I wanted to hear from. Like the absolute LAST person.

I declined her call back to back but she just kept calling so I finally just answered, "hello?" I said.

"Milan.. hey. I'm glad you answered... can we talk?"
"Im a lil busy right now..."

"Busy doing what?"
"Exactly what you wanted. Im getting rid of it. I know you elated as hell behind this phone, huh?"

"What I said was inappropriate and insensitive, Milan... this isn't what I want at all. I want you to come back home so we can figure this out together."

I opened my car door and got back inside, "you want me to come back home? After literally kicking me out and telling me I had to abort my baby? And now you wanna be a mother all of a sudden? How that work?"

"It was wrong ... I know & I'm sorry."
"Ya apology is not accepted. You only doing this to make yourself feel like a decent human being. This "apology" isn't for me, it's for you. Cause it obviously wasn't too wrong if you did it."

"What more do you want me to do Milan? I'm telling you I'm sorry and that I want you back at home. I don't know what else I can do."

"Start by getting some therapy. Ion know what trauma you went through as a teenager & dragged it up into adulthood with you, but you need to let it go. I'm not accepting no apologies or nothin till I see you trying to change."

"I'll do it, but I want you to do it too. Both of us have shit we gotta work on Milan. This not just a one man thing."

"I'm good."
"You're not though. You gon have to admit that you got problems too & then we can start there."

I sighed, "okay I got problems.... There. Now what we doing from here?"

"Counseling? Full family counseling, because lord knows me need it. Anything to fix whatever this is. Ima put my all into it if you do too."

".....okay. I'll do it."
"& Milan please don't listen to me and get rid of the baby just because I said to. Do what's best for you & know that you can come back to raise it..."

"I hear you. I gotta go. Bye." I hung up and put my phone in my lap. I took another deep breath in to calm my nerves.

I put the car in drive and drove away from the clinic.

I know I'm not gon regret this.
I know I'm not gon regret this.

gotta keep telling myself that to keep me sane.

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