Y/n pov
I slammed the door to my room shut and walked straight into the bathroom, but less than a second later I heard banging at the door.
Avery: "y/n open this door, I swear girl I will break it down"
Draco: "what's the big deal"
Avery: "worry about that later now get this door open" I heard a fizz then a bang of the door swinging open.
Pansy: "you're all so overdramatic, she's literally just in the bathroom don't give her the attention see clearly desperately seeks"
Avery: "get out, you both as well"
Draco: "no fucking way we have a right to be here now" I didn't want them to fight over me, I had already burdened them enough so I came out the bathroom with my hands up in surrender
Y/n: "I'm not doing anything okay, I'll just go to bed you can go"
Avery: "nope, I'm staying here we're having a slumber party"
Blaise: "yeahhhhh slumber party!"
Draco: "really mate?"
Blaise: "oh Draco slumber party means pyjamas, alcohol and truth or dare, I don't intend on missing that"
Avery: "exactly we are going to forget about everything with the power of intoxication!"
Y/n: "that I can get behind, who's got drink"
Draco: "let me go back to our room I kept some hidden somewhere"
Blaise: "this, this is why we're friends"
Avery: "lovely, now get us some alcohol me and y/n are gonna change Blaise go with Malfoy"
Pansy: "I'll come with you Drakey"
Draco: "call me that one more time I swear I'll spell your mouth shut"
Pansy: "I know you don't mean it" she called after Draco who already left the room. I was strangely satisfied seeing his reaction to her and how pathetic he made her look. She was simping over him bad and I was so jealous... What the hell did I just say! Did I just say I was jealous because of Draco Malfoy! What is wrong with me! I mean yeah he's gorgeous, his chiseled jaw and mystic eyes were a sight to behold and his perfectly imperfect hair style made him look delectable. But this is Draco Malfoy the cold jerk who almost avoided me and barely talked when we met, and if he did, was an insult 90% of the time. I can't have a crush on him right.

Avery: "drooling over Draco?"
Y/n: "what! No way that's impossible he's awful not at all handsome what's there to drool over for him" I replied a tad to enthusiastically
Avery: "yeah that was so convincing, come on girl I see it between you two dish!"
Y/n: "fine he's drop dead gorgeous and I might find his aura some what enchanting"
Avery: "ooh a poet, I see love blooming"
Y/n: "Draco love ha! That's impossible and that's why you can't let him know I have a crush on him, I may like how he doesn't let Pansy come on to him, but it's clear he's not interested in relationships and I'm not going to embarrass myself like her. He knows now too so he probably thinks I'm disgusting anyway"
Avery: "hey! Listen nothing happened, you stopped it, and even if something did happen that doesn't change your value as a person in the slightest, he's the bastard, the sicko and the worthless one, anytime a person tries anything like that with anyone you instantly say goodbye to your worth, so don't you ever say that understand!"
Y/n: "yeah ok, thanks ave"
Avery: "you gave me a nickname! Ya-"

Draco: "say what?"
Avery: "y/n was think down on herself after you know what"
Draco: "bullshit, if that was true you would've been the one I beat up not him isn't it"
Y/n: "I guess" that actually made a lot of sense and I felt a sudden confidence thinking about Draco saying that, even though it was a comment on an act of violence I couldn't help but feel it was quite heartwarming.
Blaise: "well with everything officially sorted... Let's get this party started" he shook two bottles of some clear-ish liquid in his hands and I noticed Draco was carrying two different bottles. With some warm up shots of the clear liquid we were all a little more relaxed even pansy to kept her clinginess to a minimum.
Blaise: "before we're all smashed let's start truth or dare... Any dare not possible now may be written down and followed up on tomorrow, refuse doing a dare or truth take two shots!"
Avery: "me first... Blaise, truth or dare"
Blaise: "let's start with a mellow, truth!"
Avery: "did you really flash a teacher in 4th year"
Blaise: "what! How did you know! I mean- err... Fine okay I was taking a piss when a teacher came in"
Draco: "teachers aren't allowed in student bathrooms"
Blaise: "I was in the teachers one... It's so much nicer and cleaner! And they have triple ply toilet paper!"
Y/n: "hahahaha Blaise has a luxurious ass"
Avery: "hahaha we know why you always take longer to get back from the toilet now!"
Blaise: "alright alright, pansy truth or dare"
Pansy: "I'm no wimp, dare."
Blaise: "I dare you to steal us some nachos from the food hall"
Pansy: "but it's after curfew if I'm seen ill-"
Blaise: "I thought you weren't a wimp"
Pansy: "all right I'll go." She got up and left in the direction of the food hall
Draco: "so are we meant to just sit around and wait for her to come do the next round"
Blaise: "no no, now she's gone Draco truth or truth?"
Draco: "what are you playing at"
Blaise: "mate, just say truth"
Draco: "whatever truth"
Blaise: "what do you really think of Pansy Parkinson?"
Draco: "easy, pathetic, clingy girl, supposedly intelligent but realistically ignorant and annoying"
Blaise: "great just had to clarify"
Draco: "you thought I like the bitch"
Blaise: "until last week you never seemed to bother pushing her off"
Draco: "I was too tired then, now I'm even more tired by her existence" just then the door opened and pansy came back
Pansy: "there I got your stupid nachos"
Blaise: "perfect your turn next Parkinson" he said so naturally as if he hadn't just made Draco talk shit about her.
Pansy: "okay... Y/n truth or dare"
Y/n: "dare."
Pansy: "I dare you to call your mother or father"
Blaise: "and what"
Pansy: "I think that in itself is a sufficient dare" she knew what she was doing, trying to get under my skin and embarrass me, but the embarrassment of refusing was better than the embarrassment of calling my parents, they never fail to answer my calls with insults and anger. I took two shots in quick succession, the alcohol slightly burning my throat.
Blaise: "damn, really don't want to get in trouble huh?"
Y/n: "something like that... Draco, truth or dare"
Draco: "dare."
Y/n: "I dare you" I giggled "to steal a Gryffindor scarf, and wear it the rest of the night"
Draco: "the hell! There's no w-"
Y/n: "scared to get caught like Pansy wansy" that was the indication of the alcohol beginning to effect me more. But it worked and Draco agreed to the dare. We all followed him and watched from a far as he snuck into the Gryffindor wing, other houses don't know the password to the common room so he looked in a lost and found bin and fished out the scarf. He waved it at me with an unimpressed face and came back towards us.
Y/n: "perfect! Hehehe, now let's wrap you up nice and warm" I leaned close to him which made his eyes go a bit wider but due to my higher level of intoxication that the others I didn't comprehend the tension of our almost touching lips as I wrapped the scarf around his neck.
Y/n: "we wouldn't want you to get a cold now would we" I went to get off my tiptoes and step away but his solid grip held my hand against his shoulder where I put it to keep my balance on my tiptoes. He breathed heavily staring into my eyes and feeling his hot breath on my sensitive lips sobered me up for a moment. I became fully aware of our proximity and mostly his lips right Infront of my eyes, a deep blush crept onto my cheeks. Draco smirked noticing this and let me go. I could've sworn he said 'cute' as I finally stepped back and looked down slightly to hide my heated cheeks.

Y/n: "you look great" I beamed and gave a thumbs up and Draco gave me a death glare
Draco: "whatever my turn, y/n truth or dare"
Y/n: "hmmm dare"
Draco: "I dare you to kiss the best looking person in the room" I knew he was trying to tease me so I flipped it on him. I crawled sexily towards Avery, this alcohol is makin me do strange things
Y/n: "you don't mind right babe"
Avery: "not at all pups" I giggled and gave her a soft kiss on the lips, when I moved back I glanced at Draco who had a tense and shocked look on his face
Y/n: "easy" I smirked at him "now... Blaise truth or dare?"
Blaise: "dare!"
Y/n: "I dare you to... Let Avery sit on your lap for at least the next three rounds and you can't get hard"
Blaise: "woah, where did this y/n come from"
Y/n: "the god given gift of tequila my friend, now Avery sit on his lap" we both smirked and I took another shot as I watched her 'get comfortable'
Draco: "you are evil y/n Beaux, no wonder you're in Slytherin"
Y/n: "why thank you"
Avery: "right my turn" the game continued on for another hour, it got slightly sexual for a short while and at one point I had to whisper something dirty in Draco's ear while sitting on his lap. Knowing him well by now I decided on a perfect line 'choke me daddy' it was obvious the effect that it had on him and everyone else saw it too but I decided not to tell them what I whispered.

Over the course of the game we each gathered dares we have to do tomorrow or later. And we all took our fair share of shots too, however I discovered to have a lower tolerance than the others so now I was super drunk, and the game have fizzled out once we were too tired. I leant forward to get myself another shot.
Draco: "hey, hey, hey, y/n you've obviously reached your limit, stop" I gave him puppy eyes and when they didn't work angry puppy eyes.
Y/n: "hmph you made y/n mad now!"
Draco: "well better that than alcohol poisoning"
Y/n: "y/n never drink before, what good company!"
Avery: "are you talking about the alcohol or us?" She asked also a little drunk
Y/n: "both! We are all best friends now!"
Avery: "hahahahaha alright" I reached out for the bottle to pour another shot but then I thought, why use a glass where you can just drink out the bottle. I lifted the bottle to my lips and chugged but was swiftly interrupted when a large hand snatched the bottle from my lips.
Draco: "y/n!"
Y/n: "hey Where'd you come from" I lifted up Draco's hand inspecting it curiously "give my bottle back"
Draco: "no." I gasped loudly
Y/n: "it talks!!!" I put my face close to his hand and stared at it with wide eyes. Then I lost my balance and fell down, my head landing on Draco's thigh.
Y/n: "umphh huuhhh" I saw the bottle in front of me and reached out for it again.
Draco: "ughh y/n stop" he said while moving the bottle to his other side out of my reach. I outstretched my arms to try reach the bottle but Draco grabbed my wrists with one hand. That seemed to take the last bit of energy out of me and I blacked out.

Draco pov:
I was keeping the bottle away from y/n who head was on my lap when she suddenly went limp. I noticed her eyes shut and plump little lips slightly open... she was sleeping... in my lap. She looked so adorable nestling into the crook of my thigh and waist, and her small hands gripped my shirt lightly. Then I felt an elbow in my side.
Blaise: "it's so obvious you like her and you two look so cute like this"
Avery: "omg you like y/n!!"
Draco: "don't shout you'll wake her"
Avery: "you didn't deny it! This is amazing"
Draco: "fine I like her what about it huh"
Avery: "don't get so defensive... I shouldn't tell you but... Y/n likes you too!" I froze for a second and looked down and the beautiful girl sleeping on me.
Blaise: "really why didn't you say sooner I knew draco had a crush on y/n for ages!"
Avery: "she thinks you can't possibly like her, that's actually what she said when you came in earlier, she's scared because of what happened you'll think she's dirty or something"
Draco: "that's ridiculous!"
Avery: "she knowns now don't worry, I saw the relief on her face after what you said to her"
Blaise: "oooooh now you know you like eachother when are you going to ask her out!?"
Draco: "whenever is right"
Avery: "watch out Draco you almost sound romantic" she joked
Draco: "well maybe I just am"
Blaise: "ooooooooh you're so lucky Pansy passed out already or she'd be beating y/n's ass for making you fall for her"
Draco: "she can try." The night ended and we all fell asleep Pansy passed out on the floor so we just left her there I tried to put y/n onto her bed but she gripped my shirt harder so I just slept next to her leaving Blaise and Avery to sleep on pansy's bed.

STOP IT!... please. Draco ffWhere stories live. Discover now