Forgotten-Thor and Loki

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Instead, you went and found Thor, who was training with his friends.

"Hey Thor, I was wondering if you would join me in stealing food from the kitchen," you asked, watching him.

"Not. Right now Y/n. I'm currently training," he said, engrossed in his fight.

"Alright," you walked away, going to raid the kitchen yourself.

*Time skip brought to you by Peter meeting Loki for the first time*

You were 18 and were slowly dying of an incurable disease. You had reckoned today would be one of your last days so you thought you would try to get Loki and Thor to do something with you.

They had become annoyed at your attempts to get them to spend time with you so you eventually stopped and never told them about the disease.

You found the both of them arguing. It seemed to be a normal thing now a days.

"Hey guys. I was wondering if maybe you would like to do something today. You know, like we did when we were kids," you asked them.

They stopped they're arguing to look at you. 

"Y/n, how many times do you have to tell that we don't want to do anything. We aren't kids anymore and we have real life responsibilities. Alright, so if you would kindly leave us, it would be very appreciated," Loki snapped, brining a few tears to your eyes.

"Right. I guess you'll never have to hear me ask again," you said before walking out to find Frigga.

She knew of your disease and was always there for you. You found her in the library reading.

"Auntie Frigga," you whispered, brining her attention to you.

"Oh, come here sweetheart," she said, holding her arms out.

You sat down next to her and embraced her touch. She hugged you tightly. Ever since your parents were killed in battle she had became like your mother to you.

"I'm dying Frigga. I feel like today is my last day," you sobbed to her.

"I know dear. I know. It's alright. I'm always here for you. You can rest peacefully," she said reassuringly.

Your breaths slowly became shallow as you closed your eyes. You relaxed more into her touch.

"I'm here for you," she whispered.

"Thank you," You rasped, "for everything."

You took one final breath before releasing it, passing away in Frigga's arms.

A tear slipped down her cheek as you became limp in her arms. You were always the daughter she never had.

She called the guards here to take your body away to bury it so you could rest peacefully.

"No one shall know about her passing. No one knew about her sickness so it will raise suspicion," Frigga commanded. The guards nodded before taking you away.

After the guards had left, Frigga broke down crying. She knew this day would come just not so soon.

*Time skip brought to you by Thor and his love for pop tarts*

A few years after your death, you were slowly forgotten by everyone but Frigga. She always remembered you even if no one else did.

Thor and Loki has completely forgot about you and hadn't noticed that you no longer showed up at meals or anywhere.

That is, until one day. Loki was reading when he noticed that he hadn't seen you in a long time.

He went over the past few years and couldn't recall you in anything.

So, he went to his brother to see if he remembers every seeing you.

"Thor, have you seen Y/n in the past few years?" He asked.

Thor thought about it for a bit before answering.

"Now that you bring it up, no," he answered.

"Let's go see mother. She was close with Y/n. Maybe she will know," Loki suggested.

Thor agreed and so they went to see Frigga. They knocked on her door and she called them in.

What intrigued them was a small picture of you with candles around it.

"Hello boys," she said, wiping her eyes.

"Hello mother. We were just wondering what had happened to Y/n. We hadn't see her in a while and got curious," Loki asked.

Frigga stared at her sons a few seconds before breaking down. Loki and Thor were quick to comfort her.

"Mother. What happened?" Thor asked.

"It's probably time you knew," she said, wiping her eyes again and walking back to the memorial.

"Y/n had died a few years ago. She was dying from a disease for a few years. So, one day she felt was her last, she went to you two to see if you would do something with her. By the sound of her tone when she came to me, you told her off. That day she had died in my arms," she explained, watching the candles.

Thor and Loki's faces fell.

"We, didn't know," Thor said.

"I didn't want anyone to know," Frigga stated.

They turned to see the picture of you, smiling, happy and alive.

They both thought, 'why couldn't they have paid more attention'.

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