6 - School is literal hell

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I'm having one of those mornings where you just physically can't get out of bed. I've been laying here for five minutes feeling sorry for myself and hating the fact that it's either I face it and go to school or spend the day with smelly Gabe. So I chose to get the fuck up. "Tomorrow's Friday. You get to hangout with your friends tomorrow." I mumbled to myself, rubbing my face.

I somehow managed to make it to school and it wasn't even a minute after I walked in that my friends were already asking me about my eye. "Did they seriously hit you again?" Jason asked, as Annabeth and Piper touched my eye. I rolled my eyes and got away from their hands.

"Yes but it's not a big deal." I said, putting random shit in my locker.

"It is a big deal Perce." Annabeth said, closing my locker to get me to look at them. I opened my locker back up.

"No it's not and I rather not talk about getting my ass handed to me again." I said. I ignored their disappointed looks and walked to class. I hate how everyone fucking baby's me over this shit. I get punched, it's no big deal!

"If your head starts to hurt just let me know, I have medicine in my bag." Hazel said as we sat down in our seats which were next to each other.

"Thanks Hazel but I'm all good right now." I said, giving her a smile which she returned.

"I can also light them on fire." Leo whispered in my ear before taking his seat behind me.

"Is that another one of your kinks?" I heard Connor ask him which made me turn my head towards them.

"Another?" I asked. Leo gave me a look before I turned back around as our history teacher, Mr. Chiron, walked in and started class.

"It is though." I heard Leo mutter and I held back a laugh.

I somehow made it to lunch even though I could've sworn I was going to die in at least one of my classes. "Are you okay?" Frank asked, making me look up at him.

"You look like you're about to shoot flames out of your ass." Leo said before munching on his burger.

"You literally have a fire kink." I said, making the whole table shut up and look at him.

"What? It can be very hot." Leo said, holding his hands up in defense.

"I'm all good by the way Frank." I said, giving him a smile.

"I'm still confused how the two sweetest and most innocent people managed to stay that way even after being friends with us." Piper said and I smirked.

"Unless they're just very good at hiding it." Annabeth said, making me turn my head towards the couple who paled.

"I doubt that." Jason said. "Hazel doesn't even know what a kink is."

"Really?" Piper asked, looking at her.

"I don't but knowing it's you guys, I don't want to know." Hazel said.

"Can I?" Leo asked.

"No!" We all yelled at him.

"Anyway." Piper said. "My dad is going to be out of town for the whole weekend so I expect you all to be sleeping over tomorrow night because I'm throwing a party."

"What about your mom?" Frank asked.

"She's staying over at her coworkers house." Piper said. Frank and Hazel looked at her confused. "My moms sleeping with one of her workers and she's staying over there for the weekend so I have the house to myself."

"Oh." The two said in unison.

"More important and something I've been dying to know about is Percy, how's your tutoring going?" Leo asked with a smirk.

"It's going good. I only have about half of my paper left." I said with a smile knowing the intention of the question.

"He didn't sleep with him." Annabeth said.

"But he's questioning himself." Piper said.

"I knew it!" Jason yelled, holding his hand out to Leo. "I won, ten dollars, let's go."

"Ugh, fine." Leo said, handing him money.

"You guys placed bets?" I asked.

"Piper and mine is still going." Annabeth said. "But I have a strong feeling that I'm right."

"You always think you're right." Piper said. "But I have been known to be the best and most accurate gossiper in this school and I hold a reputation on it. So, I will be right."

"Can I know what you guys are betting?" I asked.

"Nope!" They said in unison, smiling at me. 

This was going to be a shit show. 

My Tutor Turned Me Gay? - Percico High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now