Glynda:" that's alot."

Y/n:"yes it was alot..."

Port:"but why did you sent a distress signal?"

Y/n:"oh that?"

Y/n then grabbed an object from his pocket.

Y/n:"my distress beacon got damaged.."

Ozpin:"i see, false alarm.... Everyone return to your classes"

as every professor left to their classes.
Y/n walked in front of team rwby only to be tackled by blake.

Blake:" i-i thought.... "

Y/n:" shhh, don't worry im here.. "

As y/n smiled so did blake

Yang:"how many were there?"

Y/n:"alot i mean alot..."

Weiss:"how many did you kill?"


Blake:"so thats why you took too long..."


Yang:"oh hey y/n? Join us for lunch.... Since your already here"

Y/n:"sure, once i finish cleaning up"

Y/n then waves good bye to team rwby as he walked back to his dorm.


As the lunch bell ring y/n meets up with team rwby and they went to sit at a table while yang and y/n went to grab their food.

Yang:"so y/n....i was wondering when are you free?"

Y/n:"what do you mean free?"

Yang blusshed and said.

Yang:"i mean when are you free to go walk with me y-you know..."

Y/n:"ohh!.... Is yang xiao long asking me out on a date?"


Y/n:"giggles* sure why not?"

Yang:"so when?"

Y/n:"how bout Wednesday?"


Then the two went and grabbed everyone's food. Once they were done they brought everyone's food to the table and started eating.


Classes just ended and y/n was walking peacefully on the school grounds. Thats when blake appeared out of nowhere spooked y/n.

Y/n:"you scared me blake!"

Blake:"hehehe~ did i?"

Y/n then smiled and grabbed hold of blake's hips hugging her, blake blushed and said

Blake:"h-hey you shouldn't do that!"

Y/n:"why? I like doing this to you.."

As y/n hugged blake, blake looked to the side and whispered something.

Y/n:"what? Didn't quite hear you"

Blake:"i said...k-keep holding me..."

Y/n giggled and kept hugging blake.

Blake:"h-hey y/n?"


Blake:"you free tomorrow?"

Y/n:"hmmm, yes i think so? ,I mean my date with yang is on Wednesday and tomorrow will be Tuesday so i guess i can go..."

Blake:"did you say something?"

Y/n:"oh! Its nothing don't worry about so see you tomorrow i guess?"

Blake:"yeah see you!"

As y/n let go of blake the two parted ways and went to sleep.


As the classes end y/n went straight to his dorm to change clothes after that he went to team rwby's dorm room and knocked.

Weiss opens the door and said.

Weiss:"he looks so handsome"

Weiss then shakes the thought out oglf her head and said.

Weiss:"you look finely dressed where are you going?"

Y/n:"im here to pick up blake"

Blake:"im here! You ready?"

Y/n:"yup lets go!"

As the two left weiss was a little bit jealous at what she saw.

As the two reached the city the went in and out of shops, while blake boght stuff y/n slowly became the baggage carrier.

Y/n:"i didnt sign up to be the baggage carrier"

Blake:"oh dont be such a baby"


Blake:"I'll know what will cheer you up! Sushi!"

Y/n:"i think your the one who's cheered up"

Blake:"oh c'mon don't be such a let down y/n"

Y/n:"fine lets go..."

As blake pulled y/n, she was smiling alot and that was enough for y/n to see, to see her best friend happy is his treasure and he'll fight for that.

Y/n:"your smile alone makes me happy I love you Blake.."

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