Chap 3: Bully Alert

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Soon, Windy was hanging out with her two new friends nearly every day. They often went to each other's homes after school, and one afternoon, Windy and Lucia went to Jerry's house to study and play. He brought the girls outside into the backyard, carrying his remote-control helicopter. They played with it a lot, but this day, Lucia had brought a small camera with her.

"What's the camera for?" Windy asked curiously.

"We are going to attach it to Jerry's helicopter."

"Why?" asked Windy.

"We want to capture our town's view from the sky," replied Jerry.

"I think that would be exciting!"

"That's pretty cool, all right," said Windy.

"Yeah, it is." Lucia smiled and pulled some rubber bands from her pocket.

Jerry helped Lucia attach the camera beneath his helicopter, and when they were done, Jerry got it in the air.

"Wow, it worked...all right!" Jerry's grin was huge as he maneuvered the helicopter around in the sky.

Windy shaded her eyes with the edge of her hand as she stared upward. "I hope the camera is still working up there."

"Don't worry, it's a good camera," Lucia assured her, "And should work fine."

Suddenly, an unwelcome voice shouted, "Hey, guys but my friends and I want to play, too!"

Jerry, Windy, and Lucia turned, horrified, as Jerry groaned, "Oh, no, it's Braun!""And his lame friends," Lucia added in a half-whisper.

Braun came closer to the yard, his friends behind him, and pulled something from his back pocket. It was a slingshot. With a mean smile, one of his friends handed him a rock, which Braun fitted into the small weapon, and then pulled back the bands, aiming the rock directly at Jerry's helicopter still hovering overhead.

"Lookout, Jerry! He's going to hit your helicopter." Lucia shouted.

Before Jerry could move his helicopter out of the way, Braun released the rock. The small projectile struck the side of the helicopter, and Jerry lost control of it, gasping as he watched it hit a tree on the other side of the yard, and then crash to the ground.

"Nooo!" Jerry ran to his toy, Lucia right behind him while Windy gave a stare at Braun and then rushed behind her friends.

When Windy reached the base of the tree with the others, she saw it was broken, lying on the ground like a dead bird, (this doesn't look good) She felt awful for Jerry, who had sat down beside it and begun to cry. Jerry lifted his broken helicopter tenderly, as if trying to prevent further harm, and held it to his chest. Lucia sat next to him, putting an arm around his shoulders

Windy, however, turned to glare at Braun, eyes narrowing with rage, and slid a hand into the inner pocket of her jacket, grasping her wand. She wanted so badly to pull it out and do something bad to Braun, but he and his friends walked away, laughing and slapping each other's hands like they had won a bet or something.

"It's was my favorite one." Jerry choked.

"Don't worry; I'm sure your parents will buy you a new one," said Windy, still staring at the retreating bullies.

"I don't want a new one. This was the last of its kind," Jerry got to his feet with a heartbreaking sob.

"Plus, his grandpa gave it to him for Christmas," Lucia added.

"Oh...I am so sorry Jerry," said Windy as she almost got in tears herself as well. "Who was that creep, anyway? I've never seen him at school or anything."

"That, Windy, was Braun Gallinger and his idiot friends," Lucy explained. "He's been away with his parents, something to do with his dad's job or whatever. Anyway, I guess they just got back. Lucky us," she added.

"Wow! What a horrible person!" Windy patted Jerry's shoulder. "I wish I could do something for you."

Jerry shook his head, staring at the toy in his arms, "You can't. No one can...but thanks anyway."

Windy couldn't stand to see her new friend so miserable, (should use her magic or not. Surely, even my mother would understand, but if I do use magic, Lucia and Jerry would know about her secret. There had to be a way) "Umm, maybe I can help you, Jerry."

He sniffed and looked up at her with sorrowful eyes, "How?"

"Just come with me. We need to go up to your room," Windy told them.

"Why?" Lucia asked.

"I'll tell you when we get there."

Then Jerry led Windy and Lucia inside his house through the back door, "I don't want my mom to see that this is broken," he said, lowering his voice to a whisper. "Let's be super quiet going up the stairs, I think she's in the living room, so it should be okay."

When they got upstairs, Windy shut the door of her friend's room, "First, you two have to promise to tell absolutely no one what you are about to see. Okay?"

"Sure, but what are you going to do?" asked Jerry.

"Just trust me and place your helicopter on the floor in the middle," Windy pointed to the floor.

Jerry placed his helicopter down and stepped back, "Now what?" he asked.

Windy took her wand out, made a squiggle and then a circle with its tip, and then pointed it at Jerry's helicopter. A second later, the toy was like new.Lucia's jaw was dropped in shock, "OMG, how did you do that?" asked Lucia.

"Wooow! You do magic?" asked Jerry, amazed by her abilities.

"Yes, but you guys can't tell anyone about this, okay? You promised me, remember?"

"We won't break our promise, Windy. We're your friends," replied Lucia.

"Not a soul," said Jerry, looking solemn. "But thank you so much for this. You're awesome."

Windy blushed, "Aw, you're welcome, and thank you guys, means a lot to me," she replied, pleased with her friends for not freaking out.

The next morning at school when Windy and Lucia were walking in the hallway, Drake approached them with a smirk on his face, "Hello ladies," he said, trying to look cool with his shirt collar flipped straight up. "I don't think we have met before," he said and then looked at Windy from top to bottom. "Name's Drake," he introduced himself.

"Drake," mentioned Windy, feeling uncomfortable as she grasped her wand in her sweater.

"Yeah, what's your name beautiful?" he kept smirking while touching his necklace with the tip of his fingers.

Windy winked with both eyes, "Sorry, I don't remember it right now. Bye," she said quickly, grabbed Lucia's arm, and hurtled past by him.

"Huh?" confused Drake wondered.

Windy made a stop close by near a class to calm herself down. "What was that about?" Lucia asked in a low voice.

Before she could answer her, they both heard Drake's voice, "Move away Anita."

Windy and Lucia turned their sight on Drake and Anita,"Can we talk?" Anita asked him.

"NO! Never," he said angry voice and walked past her leaving Anita sorrowful.

Windy took her out wand but Lucia grabbed her hand, "What are you doing? Everyone will see your wand," she whispered.

"No, they won't," Windy whispered back and then made a little squiggle and then a circle with its tip like before, and then pointed it at Drake, making his pants fall in his legs.

Drake caught everyone's attention as he tripped because of his pants in his legs and fell on the floor, exposing his bright red underwear with white spots on it. Everyone burst into laughter; even Anita couldn't hold her laughter back and giggled behind her hand on her mouth. Drake stood up and lifted his pants and ran away with embarrassment.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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