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Name's Windy Grace, I am a 17-years-old girl who has a family secret, which is that I have Witch Powers, that's right. I got it from my mother's side, my Dad isn't a witch, he's just a normal guy who sometimes fears my mother, because she's a Witch, like I am, but I don't know many spells like she does. She doesn't teach because she says that I cause or will get in trouble, as I have now and because of that, my parents and I are moving out from our town to a new one.

Our family rules are 'Not to use magic in front of anyone unless there are witches' but I have broken that rule by using my magic on three witches, not witches like me, watches like... You know... witches... Anyways, I used my magic on them because they were teasing and annoying me by playing with others' feelings, I really hate those kind people who play around with others.

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