Part 3

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"Rainer... do you love me...?" I asked

Rainer's whole face turned bright pink. "W-What?! Why d-do you think that?!"
I twirled my fingers around the edge of my shirt. "I... I heard it from somewhere. J-Just answer the question, please." I looked up at him. I noticed how he looked nervous. He looked embarrassed and clearly uncomfortable.

I lightly touched his arm, wanting to know what he was thinking. As soon as I touched it I could hear Rainer's brain going into overdrive of, *Should I tell him?! Will he think differently of me?! He's not even gay! If I say yes he'll get embarrassed and become even cuter and I don't know if I can hold myself back!* Rainer looked down at me, taking a deep breath before putting on an easy smile. "Don't worry about that. People make up gossip all the time." He said in a soft voice. It was almost like he was belittling me.
Even if he was belittling me, his voice was really hot! "I...I uh...!" Blush enveloped my face and I couldn't think properly! W-Why do I have to look at him like this?! He's just my friend! Someone I can hang and lean on when I'm tired or lonely! B-But he wants a boyfriend... a-and I can't provide that. I tried not to instinctively hide my face in my shirt.

My hands trembled by my side. I wanted to hide! I wanted to hug him! I wanted to ask why he even loved me!
Rainer looked down at me. "Hey, are you ok? You look a bit... conflicted on something." He rubbed the back of his neck. He looked even more uncomfortable now than before.
I felt my throat get dry. "I-I am," I mumbled.
His eyes widened. "I-Is everything ok? Do you need any help? I know how hard your parents work. If it's too tough at home I can always give you something. Whether it be money or emotional support." He gave me a charming smile.
Blush and embarrassment were written all across my face. "D...Don't worry. Everything's fine. And I can handle things on my own. I don't need your handouts." I was kinda insulted he offered money. We weren't poor... my parents just worked a lot... and they can't buy me everything a teen wants but I don't complain. But hearing Rainer offer me some made me feel more ashamed than I already was when compared to other rich students.

I laughed under my breath. "A-Anyway, speaking of parents... I'm sure your dad will be home soon... He might get mad you are over at my house again. I better go before he tries interrogating me on what I'm doing around you... again."
He looked away. "Oh ok. And if you want... I can back off. Let you deal with everything. I just want to make sure you know you can rely on me." He took my hand and pulled me into a hug. "I..." *I love you, Jaime.*
I nod and break off before he could finish his sentence. My face was a light rosy color as I knew what he was going to say next. "O-Of course. I wouldn't ask for it to be any different." I ride back home, feeling like everything was crashing down around me.

I really liked him. Maybe more as a best friend?

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