Part 1

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It was a normal day like any other. I woke up, got dressed, brushed my teeth, etc. It was all in a morning routine. I finished up my cereal and got on my bike to our high school. It was big and full of rich kids, just like Rainer. I got in through a scholarship since I get good grades. Sometimes it's too much and I have to ask Rainer for help. But I help him too, so it all balances out in the end.

As I arrived at school, I could see Rainer waiting for me at the doors. He was talking to friends and laughing, but once he saw me he waved energetically.
I waved back but once I got a bit closer, I suddenly got an excruciating headache! I held my head in pain and leaned over, wanting the sudden pain to stop! I tumbled off my bike and landed on the cement, holding my head in pain.
Rainer dashed over and came to my side, holding me close. "Jaime! Jaime?!" He lifted me up in his arms, secured my bike in the bike rack, and then ran to the nurse. The headache I was having didn't stop! It only got worse until I passed out.

I woke up, feeling relieved that my headache was gone. I closed my eyes and took a heavy sigh. I'm going to be late to class... But I'm happy Rainer was there for me. Without him, I'd probably still be lying on the cement in front of school. I'm glad I have him as a best friend. I smiled to myself as I thought about all the good times we've had over the years. Movie nights on my couch, skinny dipping in his pool, stargazing on the hill, and sometimes even on his roof. We've had so many happy moments together.

Speaking of Rainer, after hearing my sigh, he came over from behind the curtain and hugged me. "I'm so glad you're ok!" He smiled cheerfully.
I nod. "Yeah, but we're late for class." I sighed.
"Who cares. It's a single class. And if the school takes away your scholarship just for missing a class, I'll personally pay for your tuition." He crossed his arms. He got like this sometimes. So stubborn and a bit optimistic.
I chuckled softly. "Yeah, yeah. Anyway, let's go." I get up but am stopped. I tried turning around but Rainer was holding onto me.
He put his head to my back and wouldn't let go. *I don't want him to leave... Jaime, your even more stubborn than me at times. Your so smart yet you can be so dumb!* "Jaime you need to rest a bit. You scratched your arm when you fell." He said.

I froze. Did I just... hear his thoughts?! And why'd he call me dumb?! My whole face turned a bright shade of red but I tried to hide it! I shook my head, looking away from him. "I-It's just a scratch. Nothing too bad." I leaned into him. "But if you... want me to stay... I guess I can." I mumbled.
Rainer smiled and turned me so that he could hug me from the front! *Ah he's so cute! Is he embarrassed about me caring so much about him?! Or maybe me carrying him here?! Hehe is it bad for me to think that he's adorable passed out?!* He looked down at me and my stunned face. "I'll stay here with you till the end of the day."

I could only nod. C-Cute?! C-Cute?! D-Did-d he jus-st call me cute?! Ahhhh no way! I'm not cute or adorable! I laid down and hid my face in my pillow. I only looked up once and when I did, he was smiling down at me with his soft, kind smile that lit up the room. I couldn't help but smile back at him. I noticed his small blush going across his face and that just lit up his smile more.
He patted my head softly. *Hehe... his smile is so bright and cheerful. It makes me love him even more. I wanna kiss his head and cuddle him under the blankets! Ah, Jaime why can't you be gay?!* He moved his hand away. "I hope you get better. I'm going to the bathroom. I'll get us some snacks on the way back." He said in a sweet tone before leaving.

My heart began to beat fast within my chest. L-Love?! Gay?! W-What the fuck Rainer?!?! I screamed inside my head and began to roll around in bed. W-We're just friends... at least I thought we were... D-Does he only like me as a boyfriend...?! Tears began to come from my eyes the more I thought about it. What if he doesn't even wanna be my friend and only is with me because he wants me as something more?! What if we start dating and we break up?! W-Will he still be my friend?! Thought swirled my mind and I didn't know what to think.

Before I knew what was happening, a large pair of hands came and cupped my cheeks. They were partially wet but not enough to notice without touching. I leaned into them and opened my eyes to see Rainer staring at me. He was kneeling down to my level. He also looked saddened by my sudden fit. I tried turning away but he held my gaze, along with my face.
I bit my lip. "R-Rainer..." I mumbled softly. "Do you want to... be" I couldn't say it. I just can't! I was scared. I wanted to ask if he wanted me to be his boyfriend. If I had any worth as a friend. And maybe... ask him if I'm gay...

Seemingly out of nowhere, Rainer gives me a soft kiss on my forehead. *It's ok, I'm here now.* "Hey, I brought snacks. Animal crackers, Gatorade, and I even got some freshly stocked cookies." He slowly moved his hands away and grabbed the snacks. He got onto the bed and sat next to me, his arm around me.
I leaned my head into his chest, knowing that kiss meant more now. I knew it now was meant as more lovers than best friends. And I knew that I could never look at Rainer the same way.

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