Part 2

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For four of the five hours of school, me and Rainer were in the nurse's office. We ate. We laughed. We talked. And I read his mind. Whenever he touched me, I could hear how much he loved me. How much he cared about me. How was I so oblivious?! The hugs, the kind kisses, the fact he doesn't boyfriend even though he could get anyone he wanted! He clearly liked me for all this time!

Rainer, noticing my distress, pulled me closer. *Why is he so upset? Should I have let him go to class? But class is so boring... why can't we just be happy like the old times? We don't hang out as much and he just leaves me out of nowhere at times! It's like we're not even friends anymore!* He sighed softly and wrapped himself around me. "Are you tired? Need to take a pee?" He asked.
I froze before nodding. "Y-Yeah... I need to pee." I got up and quickly left for the bathroom. How could he say that?! I've been happy! We've been happy! Yeah, I might be trying more with my studies but that's only so I don't fall behind! So I can buy him a nice birthday gift! I have a job working at the store. I haven't told Rainer since he would most likely try to just give me the money or just say that gifts aren't important. But I still go out with him! I still hang out! It's just sometimes I have my own things to do and he can't be a part of it! I walk into the bathroom and splash my face with water, wanting this nightmare to be over.

After about five minutes of thinking over what to do, Rainer comes to check on me. He smiles after seeing I'm ok. "I thought you might've passed out or something." He walked over.
I shake my head. "No, I just was thinking while washing my hands." I didn't want to make him worry. He's still my best friend even after everything I've learned.
Rainer put a hand on my shoulder. "Everything ok? You can always talk to me." *Why won't he just tell me what's going on?! I can't read his mind! He's been distant this whole last month and I can't stand not knowing what he's doing without me...! We never keep secrets...*
I feel sad and clench the bathroom sink with my lightly scratched hands. "E-Everything is fine. I've told you before, I'm not doing anything illegal. And... It's not like we both don't have our own secrets." I try to tell him.
Rainer looks away, upset. "Alright... I'm not going to force you to do anything. You know I'm not that kind of person." He said calmly.
I nod. "I know."
We left the bathroom and went back to the nurses. For the whole walk, I felt bad for Rainer. I was lying... the same way he was to me. But the difference was that he knows I've been lying. That I've been hiding something. While I've just been oblivious to it all.

The school day was soon over and it was time to go. I had fallen asleep and woke up to Rainer carrying both of our homework for classes. I rubbed my eyes. "Rainer... I could've gotten our books." I got up from the bed.
He shrugged. "You fell asleep. I wasn't busy so I just did it. It's no big deal. Now let's go. Your mom is making corn on the cob today." He smiled.
Even when we were in an argument... he's so nice! I smiled back up at him. "Hehe yeah! Let's go!" I take his hand and we walk out of the school. Everyone has already left and it feels like old times. Us walking to each other's homes, talking about dinner or games or anything on our minds. No need to worry about school, jobs, or becoming an adult. It was perfect for us.

But something in the back of my mind nagged me, and I just had to ruin our moment of friendship. "Rainer... do you love me...?"

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