6 🍹

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"Come on Y/N, we really should get going. Do you remember where you live?" Chan asked once outside. I nodded proudly, as if it was something special. "Follow me! Y/N in the lead!" I laughed, already running through the street. "Wait, Y/N, you shouldn't be running, come back here," Chan called out sternly, making me waddle back to him. "Fiiine, but I just want to sleep," I sulked. Chan took hold of my hand, looking away. "I don't want you to run off again, and it's dangerous in these streets. You really shouldn't come back here, okay?"

I shook my head. "But then how will I see you? You said it yourself right?" Chan sighed, knowing all too well he shouldn't even try to talk sense into me now that I was wasted. "We'll talk about this later okay? For now let's just get you home and get you sobered up." The way home wasn't all too long, leaving the time for conversations short, yet they still arose when we reached my place. "Y/N, what happened with the Jisung, your coworker? I only heard some vague details from mom that you were back here, but I thought you two knew each other quite well..."

I nodded, looking around me to make sure Jisung wasn't there as soon as I remembered why I went back in the first place. "Turns out he had been stalking me, tracking my location! Can you believe it? I thought he was really nice, but now I'm scared Chan," I cried out, my emotions way intensified due to the alcohol in my body. "Do you want me to look at it? I'll bring it back tomorrow if you'd like." I nodded, taking it out to give it to him, but panic took over. "Wait, where are my keys?" I half shouted, checking all of my pockets twice, even thrice, but they were nowhere to be found. "You've got to be kidding me," Chan muttered under his breath. I shook my head, looking at him with eyes wide.

Chan let out a groan. "I'll let you stay over at my place for the night and I'll call Minho to see if they're still back at the club okay?" I nodded thankfully, a warm feeling growing inside my body. I was staying over at Chan's place, the entire night. Who knew what would happen. I took his hand again, making him raise his brow. "It's scary at night," I lied to him, but he seemed to believe it. No idea how since I practically live at night, but somehow he seemed to buy it. After about 15 minutes we got back to the street in which the club was located as he pulled out a pair of keys.

The lights of a rather fancy car flickered, and Chan opened the door to apparently his car. "You stay in here, I'll check to see if Minho is still here." I sat down, growing more and more nervous by the second when he went inside. He came back a few minutes later, shaking his head disappointed. He opened his door, sitting down behind the wheel. "Turns out Minho took them with him, he found them while cleaning. His client got canceled, so he went home already. It's too late to go there now since it's an hour long drive, but we'll go in the morning." He looked at me, leaning over to fasten my seatbelt.

He put his hand behind my headrest to back up, making my heart skip yet another beat. There was just something about a guy driving that, well, literally drove me crazy. Chan put his hand behind my head, lifting my hoodie over my head and lightly pushing my head to the window side. "Try to get some sleep, it'll be a while." Although my eyes were closed, I could feel lights pass by over and over again, the car occasionally making turns. I felt worn out, my body felt heavy and my head dizzy. After about half an hour Chan lightly tapped my shoulder. "Y/N, wake up sweetheart, we're here."

I finally opened my eyes again, noticing the car had entered a parking lot. Chan got out, opening my door as well. He undid the belt, helping me get out. I held onto his arm since my legs felt wobbly from sitting for so long. Again, still just partially an excuse, but as long as he bought it I felt happy enough to be next to him. We arrived after a quiet elevator ride to what seemed to be the penthouse. Once there, my jaw dropped at how extravagant it was. It was decorated in black and white, an occasional green plant livening it up a little. I let go of him, running around like a small kid in a toy store.

Chan chuckled, throwing his jacket over the coat hanger. "Come on, let's get you washed up. Do you want to take a shower?" My eyes went wide as my head instantly jerked back to him. "I- you- wha-" was all I could get out. Chan's cheeks flaired up upon realizing the double meaning it could have. "You know what, let's just get you straight to bed." He opened the door to what seemed to be the spare room for when people came over. He held up my phone, which he still had. "I'll get to fixing this, you sleep okay? If you want there's some joggers and an oversized shirt in the closet, you can use those as PJ's."

I nodded, running up to hug him before giggly running inside the room, changing clothes like he suggested. I lay in bed for the longest time, but I just couldn't seem to fall asleep. Would Chan still be awake? I walked out of the room, rubbing my eyes as the lights blinded me. "Y/N? What are you doing up?" Chan asked confused, still seeming busy with my phone. My smile crept up my face again just from looking at him. He was everything. Handsome, caring, sweet, protective... Why had I never told him that before? Maybe it was the alcohol still in my body giving me the sudden confidence boost, but I suddenly couldn't care less about any nerves. I walked up to him, wrapping my arms around him.

"Chan, I think I love you."

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