5 🍹

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I got back in the club, closing the door behind me as soon as I could, panting heavily. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, looking at it in fear. Who knows for how long he had been watching already? For all I know he knew my address, what if he tried to do something? All sorts of thoughts were running through my mind, panic taking over. "Y/N? Are you okay there?" a familiar voice asked. I looked up, seeing Minho stand right in front of me. "I don't know what to do, he- he was stalking me, I don't know where to go!" Minho took my arm, pulling me away from the door. He opened it, checked, then locked it. "Mom, you open it for costumers only okay?"

The older lady nodded, smiling sympathetically. "I don't have any bookings yet do I? Can I take Y/N with me to room number 8? It's free right?" Mom looked at her computer, nodding. "It's gonna be okay sweetheart. It'll be okay, you're safe here." I could barely move my legs, the realization only kicking in more. Minho put his hand on my back, taking me with him into one of the rooms. He sat me down on the couch, turning on the sort of disco lights. It looked somewhat like a karaoke room, except for the mini fridge in the corner and the musty smell.

Minho opened the fridge. "Do you drink sweetheart?" I shook my head. "It's too bitter for me, I don't like the taste of it." Minho nodded, pouring a drink. "Try this, it's a cocktail, I think you'll like it. You won't even taste the alcohol." I hummed, accepting it with both hands, sitting on the edge of the couch. I took a sip, a small smile forming on my lips. "This tastes good," I mumbled. Minho smiled, sitting down right next to me. "Right?" I drank more of it, maybe faster than I should to try to ignore the silence. He chuckled, taking the glass out of my hand to make me another one.

"Feeling a bit better already?" he asked, handing me back my glass. I nodded, taking yet another sip. "Yeah... Thanks." He shook his head, pouring himself a glass too. "No need, thank the alcohol. It helps you loosen up, remember? I thought you'd know, working in a bar." I finally laughed. "Ironic isn't it? I made them a million times but never had it." The second cocktail soon was finished too. "Do you want another one?" I nodded happily, the alcohol already sinking in. Minho glanced at me, shaking his head. "Just don't drink too much okay? You're not used to anything, so you should take it slow." I pouted, but nodded. But it tasted so good... It was almost like lemonade.

"So, what exactly do you guys do in here?" I asked after a while, my third done already. I looked at him with a smile, trying to hand him the glass, but he hesitated. He sighed, taking it after all. "We... simply offer to make others feel good in a way. Minho put the now full glass on the table in front of us. I chugged down the glass, smiling. "Why do I feel so thirsty if I keep drinking?" I muttered to myself. I shook it off, my head already spinning.  Was this what it was like to be drunk? "Like hugs?" I asked with a bright smile, holding my arms wide open. Minho laughed, tapping on the space on the couch between his legs. I instantly got up, sitting down, leaning back against his chest, his arms wrapped around my waist. "The alcohol is drying you out sweetheart, this really is the last one."

I pouted again, looking up at him with puppy eyes. "Come on, please?" "No," he said firmly. I huffed. "But, what else do you do? You can't possibly just hug people all night right?" You could see Minho trying his hardest to keep in his laughter. "Just how innocent are you? Since you worked in a bar you're already an adult." I looked away again. "I can't help it, I've never had anyone tell me or whatever. That's what you get for growing up alone on the streets." Minho clearly looked shocked, but didn't go in on it. "Mom offered you a job here right? Do you want me to show you what we do here?" I nodded, my smile returning. He pushed my hair to the side, putting his lips against my neck. I let out a small gasp, unsure of what to do. Minho pulled away again, smiling to himself at the hickey becoming visible. "That's all I'll show you tonight, if you want to I'll show you the rest when you're all sobered up."

"Y/N, are you in he-" Chan asked as he opened the door, his expression instantly changing from worried to furious. "Minho, what the hell man. What did you do to her?" He marched up to me, taking my wrist, pulling me up out of Minho's arms. "Channie? I thought you were with a girl. Minho just showed me what you do in here!" Chan's eyes shifted to Minho, his gaze almost burning a hole in Minho's soul. "No need to be so pressed, it's just a hickey. I wouldn't do anything big to a girl when they're this drunk, you know that. I just tried to tell her what we do here since mom offered her the job."

Chan rolled his eyes, glancing back at me again, with my stupid grin on my face. I wrapped my arms around Chan, closing my eyes. "Are you wearing perfume? You smell good!" Chan sighed. "So you got her drunk? Great way of talking man." Chan slightly pushed me off him, taking my hand in his, looking me in the eyes. "Y/N, I'm gonna take you home okay?" I looked back at Minho. "So no more hugs?" Chan shook his head. "Sorry Y/N, but no more hugs. You really shouldn't be here, this isn't a place for you." He turned back to Minho. "I'm taking off early for the night to take her home, but don't you dare to try anything to her again." Minho laughed sarcastically. "What are you, in love with her?"

"That's none of your business."

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