Secrets Are What Get You Killed.

Start from the beginning

"Sebastian, it's go time. He's here." Matteo whispered while throwing me a gun.
"Oh shit for real? But what about Sofia bro." PI asked. "C'mon you can't seriously think you're going to kill him?" I continued genuinely confused.
"He killed my father, Seb. And what does Sofia care anyway? It's not like she could hate me any more than she already does." He scoffed.

"Ayo. Matteo chill alright. Let's go handle out shit. We'll see what will happen." I compromised.

"Mr. Garcia! How lovely for you to show your face the day I decide to visit my daughter, huh?" Geovani yelled while loading his gun.

"Sebastian, why are you outside. I have been waiting for you for the past hour! I-." Sofia yelled running around to the front of the house.
"Sebastian get your bitch, we have business to handle." Matteo yelled trying to avoid eye contact with her.

Sofia just rolled her eyes and looked away from Matteo.
"Wait why do you all have guns out? WHAT IS GOING ON!" She  yelled.
"I told you that I will meet you soon, what didn't you understand?" I yelled raging with anger.

"My daughter, listen to your boyfriend. Let the men take care of business. This has nothing to do with you. NOW GO!" Geovani interrupted, scaring Sofia.

Sofia looked me dead in the eyes while tears dripping from her her eyes, and down her face. Her lips redder than ever, her eyes growing puffy and swollen. She looked back at her father, then Matteo. From what I've witnessed, Matteo has been acting rebellious lately and tried to hide whatever was trying to jump out.
Something happened between them, I can see it.

Sofia listened to both Geovani, Matteo, and me and ran away. She ran into the mafia house crying. I tried to hold it in, my chest bursting with sympathy and heartbreak inside for her.

"Hey she knows now, there's no point. Geovani, drop it." I yelled while putting down my gun. "It's only going to hurt her more if you-."


"OH MY GOD!" Sofia yelled running back outside.
Police sirens became to approach us, so all of us ran inside. Including Geovani. Nobody was shot but Sofia thought otherwise.

"If you hadn't said anything to me, this shit would have already been dealt with!" Matteo roared, shoving my shoulder in as he stormed off.

"Baby, baby are you okay? Are you hurt?"
Sofia asked me as we sat down by the main lounge room.

"Yes, I'm fine, nobody got shot. I'm okay." I assured.

"Yeah sure, just only check in with your little boyfriend. No don't mind me I'll just be on my way." Matteo chuckled sarcastically.

"You need to shut the fuck up! You were going to kill my father, regardless if I had anything to say about it. What is your problem?" Sofia snapped.

"This is the mafia, it's what we do. I'm surprised you didn't already know that considering you are the next mafia heir." Matteo argued while talking close to Sofia's face.

"Yo, shut it up now Matteo." I gestured my hands crossing my neck, while my eyebrows scrunched up.

"No, say it, Matteo. Spit it out. Face your problems for once." Sofia instigated, refusing to back down as she challenged Matteo.

"Okay, alright you asked for it. Your father, as you know killed mine. News flash he is also a mafia leader himself. He has been lying to you, you're whole life!" Matteo added with a bold remark.


I couldn't control my anger towards her. It took everything inside of me to reject the soft spots she had left. Every time I spat a word out, my insides were tearing apart. It felt like a fire had been ignited in my heart as I exposed such harsh emotions towards her. This was it. The end of Matteo and Sofia, she'll never forgive or talk to me the same. Congratulations Victoria, you happy?


I had enough of Matteo. My fists started to clench as the confused mixed emotions circulated my body. So much has happened in the last month, I lost control.

"You know what Matteo?" I turned around asking. "I have had enough of your enormous fucking ego you carry on your back every day. I don't know what has happened to you to hate me so much or anyone for that matter but, you can leave this shit with your little side bitch, Victoria. I'm out." I proceeded.

"Sofia-" Sebastian tried to comfort as he held back his laughter.

I lightly shoved him off and walked away to somewhere private. All the anxiety I thought was from my father, but no, it was from running in circles with the Sebastian's and the Matteo's of the world. I need a break.

*Knock, knock*

"Yes?" I asked annoyed.

"My sweet daughter, I'm sorry." Geovani admitted slowly walking towards me. "But do you have any idea what you have just gotten yourself into? He is a part of a big mafia, you could have gotten yourself killed do you understand!? HE HAS KILLED PEOPLE FOR FUCK SAKE!" He later yelled.

"Yes, I did know that father. I know exactly who he is and what he does, and I fully accept Sebastian. The real question is how do you know. What have you been hiding from me, and do not say restaurant business because I know that is not it. How and when did you have a gun? And capos?" I interrogated.


"You know what, don't even bother. It's not like you give a shit anyway." I scoffed while leaving.

There was no use in getting my father to talk, but I need to know if there is a connection between Seb and my father. They exchanged some pretty dark looks earlier. As much as it hurts me, things may have to come to an end.

"Sebastian? Can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked while ignoring Matteo.

"Yeah, c'mon." He replied grabbing my hand. "Let's talk in my room, we'll get some privacy there." He continued.

"I need you to listen to what I have to say okay?" I asked.


"What was that outside? What were you planning on doing if I hadn't been there tonight?" I stammered not wanting to know the real answer. "You can't have this many secrets if this is even going to be a thing anymore. I need to be able to trust you. What was that dry-ass text today huh? I needed you and you left me, just like my father did every time I needed him." I continued while tears dripped down my face.

"Oh please don't cry. I am so sorry I don't know what to say." He asked with little to no emotion. My life isn't all light. I am a pretty important ally to this mafia and these people are my family. The reason I have so many secrets is to protect my life Sofia, why can't you understand that?" Sebastian continued.

"Secrets are what get you killed Sebastian. How do you know my father? Were all those things I found in Matteo's closet real. Was that you in the picture?" I stuttered trying to hold in my tears.

"What photo are you talking about?" Sebastian asked concerned as he's body became tense.

"I found a picture of My dad, Matteo's dad, and what looked like to be you in the photo already a grown man." I stuttered.

"I can't tell you I'm so sorry you are just going to have to trust and believe me." Sebastian asked while trying to caress my cheek.

I smacked his hand off and my sadness turned into anger. That raging angry fire feeling came back to me again. It spread like wildfires from my toes to my head.

I walked away.

"You said you loved me." He said.

"And you promised to never lie to me."

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐈𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥: The Mafia PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now