Chapter 18: The Zora Fry's Plea

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Zelda slowly walked around the Domain, the feeling of guilt and failure sinking into her sore electrified bones. Nothing Muzu said would escape her mind. As frustrating as it was, in her mind he was right. Hyrules loss was on herself and her father. They were in charge of keeping this Kingdom strong and safe.

She felt the watering in her eyes. When did she start crying so much? Wasn't she supposed to be someone who didn't cry? Or was that too just apart of the 'Princess' act she had been putting on for so long?

Zelda stopped as she turned to look up at towards the top tall fish structure where Link was still resting. She exhaled. She wished he wouldn't blame himself for her wounds. She didn't care about getting hurt on adventures or if he, in his own eyes, messed up from time to time while protecting her. Zelda just wanted him here. She wanted him to be standing next to her. Or holding her saying it'll be okay. Even with this guilt of Mipha in her chest... Just this one time would be enough.

Suddenly, Zelda felt a tug on her Hylian trousers. A little surprised, haven literally been shaken out of her thoughts, she looked down to see a three colorful Zora children looking back up at her. Zelda blinked a few times before responding.

"H-Hello there? How can I help you little ones?" She asked, a bit confused. The children nodded.

"You're a Hylian right?" A blue one asked. Zelda couldn't help but smile a little, holding in a bit of a giggle.

"Why yes, I am a Hylian," Zelda said. The Zora children's eyes lit up.

"That's great! Can you help us?" The children asked happily. Zelda gave them a curious look before crouching down at their level.

"Well, what would you like this Hylian to do for you?" She asked with a smile.

"Well we like to play on a mountain!" The blue one said. "And before, we weren't allowed to play because there was a monster. We didn't think it was that scary, but Ms. Laflat said we should never go near it."

"But then a Hylian that Prince Sidon brought, he came and beat it! He also showed us a picture of it. But since he beat it we were able to play on the mountain again!" A reddish Zora child said. "His name was Link!"

"But a few weeks ago, the monster somehow came back and now it's in our play area again! We heard Link was here today but we can't find him anywhere!" A second blue Zora child said.

Zelda bit her tongue as she looked back towards the Fish Building. She sighed as she turned back towards the children.

"We thought... Since you were a Hylian like him, maybe you could beat the monster for us. It isn't that scary, even if Laflat says it is! She's just as scared as a Tuna fish!" The first blue zora child said. "We see you have a sword and a bow! You must be somewhat like him!"

Zelda inhaled. The children wanted her to beat a monster for them? Zelda looked back towards the Fish Building yet again, staring at where Link was supposedly still sitting. Link really did find a way to help everyone in hyrule didn't he? She smiled, yet the smile didn't stay on her face for long.

If only she could be like Link, able to actually help people. The words of Muzu swirled in her head yet again from the meeting prior. If she wanted to rebuild this kingdom... No, if she wanted to help people, she needed to step her game up. She could beat one monster. The children said it wasn't that scary. She's already beaten quite a few monsters with her bow. How hard could this one be? She couldn't rely on Link forever. She wanted Link to be a friend, not her bodyguard. Dorephan was right. She needed to grow and learn.

Zelda confidently turned back towards the children.

"What are your names?" She asked.

"My names Keye!" The first blue one said.

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