
Start from the beginning

"Okay. What book is Dream referring to?" Y/N asked their next question.

"That I'm unsure of." Technoblade answered honestly. Y/N hummed in acknowledgement.

"Well... what about my childhood? Ghostbur seemed to recognize me, and the crown you wear is the same one I gifted to someone else. So... did we know each other back then?" Y/N asked, trying to see if he was the pink-haired boy they saw in their dreams a lot.

"Um... truth is, ████ █████ █████████ ████████ █████ ████ ██ ████████ ███ ███████ █████ ████ ███████ █████ ██████ █████ ██████ ███ ██ █████ █████ ████" Technoblade said. Y/N tried their best to focus on his voice, but they couldn't hear a thing. It was like- a ringing overlapped his speech and his voice turned to incoherent sounds.

You can't know that.

What? How are you in my thoughts? I thought we could only talk in dre-... well, limbos?

I told you, I'm always watching.

Fuck off, man.

"He didn't let me hear." Y/N spoke towards Techno.

"What?" Technoblade asked, confused.

"Dream. When you spoke, there was a ringing. It was inaudible. Then, Dream spoke in my head. Like it was my thought, but in his voice. He said I can't know that." Y/N answered, annoyed.

"So, you can contact him?" Technoblade asked, tilting his head a bit.

"I suppose. I can try." Y/N spoke. "It might work better if I lay down." They added. Y/N adjusted so they rested their head on a pillow and their body laid on the couch.

"I'll keep watch to make sure you're okay." Technoblade reassured, adjusting himself so he sat upright.

"Thanks." Y/N smiled a bit before allowing themselves to close their eyes. It didn't take long before they arrived in the same voided limbo.


Welcome back.

Are you gonna say that every time I come here?

Manners, Y/N. Manners.

I think it's more polite to not invade someone's head space.


Y/N rolled their eyes and crossed their arms.

Why can't I know about my childhood? Other than what you permitted.

It would interfere with my plans.

Fuck your plans, bro. I just want my individuality back.

I understand your frustrations, but you must understand I'm doing this for the better of the world. I do not intend to hurt you.

That's SO convincing.

Dream let out a sigh, walking towards Y/N. Y/N responded with defense, backing up slightly.

I mean it, Y/N. I do not intend to hurt you.

I can't trust you.

Even after I returned some of your memories?

You gave back less than a fifth of my memory. The rest? You stole. It wasn't yours to tamper with, yet you did. I have every right to not trust you and be upset with you. This whole thing is absurd. You can't just expect the person you torture to turn around and be all 'oH DReAM yOU'Re sO hoT aND hAnDSomE i'D TRusT you WiTH mY LifE!' Like, no.

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