Her eyes widened and she looked for the guard to come stop Clay. When he didn't come in Nihachu raised her hands in defense and Clay laughed darkly.

"Looks like no one can save you this time."

Nihachu paled. "Let's talk about this."

"Talk about this!?" Clay shouted, "No way in hell! You're finally getting what you deserve."

"Dream," she said nervously, "think about what will happen if you kill me."

"I don't fucking care." Clay said harshly, "He's dead because of you. You're not getting away with shit this time."

Nihachu had the nerve to grin, "So Bad succeeded? Damn, I didn't think he would... I guess taking his lover was enough incentive."

Clay dropped his sword from Nihachu's neck and replaced its place with his hand. Nihachu gasped and she struggled for air as her airway was constricted.

"D-Dream... stop this," she gritted out as she gasped for air, "Think about this. Y-you have the whole k-kingdom to yourself now."

Clay tightened his grip and he growled into her ear, "Emberfall is nothing without George. You should know that."

"C-clearly I underestimated your c-connection to him," Nihachu choked out, fear evident in her eyes.

"No shit," Clay said and laughed darkly. "This is the end for you Nihachu. I can't say I'll miss you."

Nihachu grasped at Clay's hands and tried yanking them away frantically. "P-please. Don't do this."

Clay smiled cruelly. "It's what you deserve."

No one deserves death.

Clay's grin faltered as he remembered what he had told George. His throat tightened and pushed the memory from his mind.

He should've listened to George when he said Nihachu should be executed.

"I guess it's better late than never," Clay muttered as he re-tightened his grip.

He felt Nihachu's pulse beat rapidly under his fingers, her neck now coated with the blood that Clay had on his hands. George's blood.

Clay blinked and swallowed thickly. He wouldn't fail this time.

The cell door opened and a guard rushed in. He grabbed at Clay's shoulders, but Clay's grip didn't falter.

"Clay!" Quackity shouted, "Let her go!"

Clay gritted his teeth. "It's what she deserves."

Nihachu's pulse weakened and her head started to sag. Clay grinned, relishing in the moment.

Quackity shook his shoulders and screamed at him, "Clay, stop!"

When Clay didn't budge, Quackity said, "He's alive."

Clay's head whipped towards the guard. "What?"

"George, he's alive, just barely."

Clay's hands fell from Nihachu's neck and she slumped to the ground, unconscious from oxygen deprivation.

"H-he's... he's alive?" Clay whispered, his voice full of hope as well as mistrust.

Quackity eyed him warily before responding, "...Yeah, but I don't think you should see him right now."


"You're clearly unstable right now," Quackity said with a look at Nihachu, "You should get some rest."

Clay sheathed his sword. "Not if George is alive. I need to see him."

Clay left the room and quickly ran to the infirmary. Quackity ran behind him. He grabbed Clay's arm and pulled him to a stop.

Clay tried to yank his arm from Quackity's grip, but the guard was determined.

"Let. Me. Go," Clay growled, "Now."

Quackity looked nervous as he replied, "I will... just keep your cool, okay?"

Clay glared at him and yanked his arm out of Quackity's grip. Quackity was pissing him off. Clay had every right to see George.

Quackity sighed as Clay opened the door. Alyssa was hunched over George, applying something to his stomach. She was shouting at several servants as they scuttled out of the room to get whatever she needed.

George was laying on a mattress, his torso bare and almost fully cleared of blood. Clay rushed over to sit opposite of Alyssa.

His hand trembled as cleaned his hands of blood. He grasped George's limp hand.

Clay stroked George's ghastly, pale cheeks. He looked towards George's stomach and flinched. Alyssa was rapidly treating George's wound with herbs and tools that Clay had never seen.

"Is― is he going to be okay?" Clay asked quietly.

"Hopefully," Alyssa said, not faltering in her work, "it doesn't seem like the dagger hit anything major."

Clay closed his eyes in relief and Alyssa continued, "He just needs to hang in there for us."

A tear trailed down Clay's cheek as kissed George's hand and whispered, "You can do it George. Wake up please, I can't lose you... I love you so much."


a/n - how are we doing?

buckle your seatbelts, I've got big plans coming up...

drink some water please :) I love you <3

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