Chapter Thirty Eight

Start from the beginning

"Oh, uh, well. I'm going into my last year," I muttered, half expecting her to go silent or either freak out like the others had seemingly done.

"You're almost done! I remember the boys studying all their seventh year. Well, most of them. Fred and George, they were doing the joke shop," she told me, his voice slightly faltering.

"You know, the front row is reserved for all the ones that we wanted to see this day, but couldn't," she solemnly explained, motioning towards the empty front row.

"I'm sorry," I quietly apologized, knowing there wasn't much else I could do to provide comfort.

She gave me a hearty pat on my shoulder, smiling away the bad memories.

"I'm very happy you were able to make it. George hasn't seemed this happy in... I can't even tell when."

She mumbled words to herself while my eyes traveled back to George, his catching mine. He was still for a moment before his hands formed into a small heart, having to hold in my laughs while I subtly mocked his movements.

He rolled his eyes before paying attention to the conversation in front of him, turning my head to see a smiling Mrs. Weasley.

"I'm so sorry, what were you saying?" I quickly asked, feeling my cheeks burn hot.

Great first impression.

"I didn't say anything, sweetie. Just admiring," she admitted with a small grin.

The moment was interrupted when a man hastily sat beside the jolly woman, instantly holding out his hand towards me.

"Arthur Weasley, nice to meet you."

"Adeline Hemmings," I responded, his eyes lighting up.

"She's American, too!" He excitedly directed at his wife, laughing as she hit his arm.


"It's fine, he's right," I told her, getting a warm aurora from the Weasley's. I liked it.

"Tell me, do you drive on the right side of the road, or the left-"

"Shh, it's about to start, dear," Mrs. Weasley interrupted him, grabbing her handkerchief and wiping the immediate tears that seemed to start appearing while the music began to play.


I stood at one of the tables while Mr. Weasley continued to ask questions about 'muggles in America,' hearing the bustle of everyone around us.

Watching Mrs. Weasley pull everyone into hugs, Ron went around shouting, "I'm married now!" and pointing at his ring. It was going to be a long night.

"So no telephone booths?" Mr. Weasley questioned, pushing his drink to the side.

"Not really in Seattle. They sort of did away with them after smart phones became popular," I answered, watching the lightbulb go off when he remembered what a smart phone actually was.

"My apologies. I work in the muggle artifacts department but America is still so different than here," he said, making me nod.

"I agree, very different. I didn't think I was going to make it on my own out here," I admitted, getting a slight smile out of him.

"I've just never heard of an American witch going to Hogwarts," he voiced.

I kept the fact that I was adopted to myself, not knowing how much information was a proper amount to give. I had not been prepared for this.

My silence was interrupted with a small gasp, feeling someone's arm slide around my waist.

"Ah, George! Just talking with Adeline here for a bit. America seems very interesting, maybe we should make a trip!" Mr. Weasley enthusiastically suggested, making me laugh.

"Are you bombarding the poor girl with questions?" Mrs. Weasley's voice was heard a second later.

He laughed while she glanced at George and I, placing her hand on her husbands shoulder.

"My apologies, again. Want to dance?" He quickly directed at Mrs. Weasley, watching them disappear in a moments notice.

I turned around to see the familiar face I had missed, my hands resting around his neck.

"I was going to rescue you, but I seemed too late," he laughed, starting to sway to the music that played on in the background.

"Mm, true. But no, it was a fun conversation. I like your parents," I assured him, a small grin creeping onto his face.

"I'm sorry, again. I should have just said they were going to be here," he apologized, shaking it off.

"I should have figured, it's not your fault," I muttered, slowing down to match the tempo of the music.

"We haven't discussed birthday plans," he bothered, getting a playful huff out of me.

"We can talk about it tomorrow."

"Your birthday is tomorrow," he replied, laughing.

"As long as I'm with you I don't care," I told him, his eyes softening.

"God, you make me melt," he whispered, his fingers running through the tips of my hair.

He gave me a gentle kiss, ending with one on my forehead before my head rested on his chest.

"We'll figure something out," he said, not giving up.

"We'll see about that," I challenged, continuing to hold onto him as the music finished.


Hey guys!! I was finally able to write something that wasn't so bad, but it still wasn't my favorite. I doubt I will be taking any breaks since I'm starting to feel a bit better, but still not the best.

I'm going to figure things out, but until then please stay tuned and keep reading!! I want to thank everyone who has read and commented on my story so far and just know I appreciate all of you and all the support I get!!

Don't forget to stay safe out there and please remember to take care of yourselves!! (A very sweet reader had to remind me of that and I appreciate it so much <3) but love you peeps!!

SIDE NOTE: I didn't realize it while writing this or the end of chapter note but today's May 2nd and it would've been 23 years since Fred passed (if we're basing it off 2021 standards but the story isn't based in 2021) but that realization just kinda made me sad so I'm sorry :(


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