Good choice. Well then... GRYFFINDOR!!

Ow, my ears.

Yeah, now go to your house.

I put down the sorting hat and walked over to the red and gold house.

"Hey Neeks. Hazel. Looks like both of you got into Gryffindor too, huh?" I asked.

"Yeah. Percy, say hi to Sapphire,"

"Hey, I'm Percy," I smiled at her. She smiled back shyly.


"So... what happens now?" I asked, trying to get the memories out of my head.

"McGonagall gives a speech, and then we eat," Sapphire answered.

"Cool," Just then, McGonagall decided to start her speech.

"Welcome to all first years and exchange students. As always, the forbidden forest is forbidden..." I ignored her speech and looked around. (I don't really know what the speech is) I saw Harry Potter, Hermoine Granger and Ron Weasley sitting together not far from where we were.

I caught Harry's eye. He scowled and looked away. I shrugged. I saw Annabeth at the Ravenclaw table with Leo. Leo was fiddling with something in his hands, and Annabeth was telling him something, probably telling him to pay attention to McGonagall.

I looked at the Hufflepuff table where Will, Calypso and Frank was. They were talking quietly with some other students who looked really friendly.

None of us went to Slytherin. I saw Draco Malfoy, the blonde arrogant kid we met on the train. He was with two other people.

"...and let the feast begin," I heard McGonagall say. 

I looked down curiously, when suddenly food just popped out of nowhere. I grinned and started piling up stuff on my plate. Just as I was going to eat, someone punched me in the shoulder.

"What?" I looked up to see Nico staring at me.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" he said.

"Hm? Oh yeah, right," I mentally slapped myself. How could I forget that we needed to sacrifice to the gods?

At the same time, I saw Annabeth stand up to look at McGonagall. McGonagall caught her eyes and nodded. Annabeth then turned around to look at all of us, a silent message of saying "get up here right now".

I gestured for Nico and Hazel to follow me. They stood up bringing their plates with them. The "golden trio" saw us and started muttering to each other, as if we were doing some sort of bad stuff.

When we reached the front, McGonagall brought us to one side.

"Now, the gods have said that all demigods that come to Hogwarts only need to sacrifice to them once a month as it is hard to do so without looking suspicious. Just for this quest, of course. All of you, line up and sacrifice your food there," she pointed to the fireplace.

We lined up and one by one threw some of our food in. I did so too, and went back to the Gryffindor table. Some students were looking at us curiously, but ignored us. Except for the golden trio, who kept glancing at our food. Although Hermoine looked annoyed.

I sat back down and started eating the delicious food. 

"Um... What were you three and the other exchange students doing just now?" Sapphire asked.

"Oh, um... we were just-"

"It's our religion. We sacrifice our food for other higher beings," Nico butted in before I spilled anything.

"Oh! Um... okay," she looked down at her food and ate quietly.


After eating, McGonagall came up to us, telling us we had special dorms.

"Your dorms will be separated from others, because you're 'exchange students'. You have a training room there, too," She started to lead us to our dorms. 

"Woah, these stairs can move?" I asked, looking at all the moving stairs.

"Yes, Jackson,"

"Which doesn't male any sense at all," Annabeth said.

"Everything is magic here," 

She led us to a painting.

"Uh.. what?" I asked.

"Ooh do we have to solve a mystery about the painting to get to our dorms?" Leo asked.

"Yes and no. You just need to know the password," McGonagall said.

"Oh... boring," Leo said. Calypso sighed.

"The password to your dorms is Θεοί του Ολύμπου," (I went to google translate)

"Which means Olympus Gods," 


The painting swung open to reveal our rooms.

"Coooool," Leo said.

"Each of you have assigned dorms with your partners. Those four are your dorms and the one at the end is the training room. I will be going now," McGonagall said and went out.

"Time to do some exploring!" I said and pulled Annabeth to the room with our names on it.

I guess this is the shortest chapter ever. I have a bit of writer's block on this book. I WON'T BE DISCONTINUING IT. I will go on hiatus for a month, though. I have a lot of homework, some overdue... 

But I did get to write what I wanted to in this chapter. Which is Percy's sorting and some other stuff. Which makes this chapter super boring. Only 1123 words... a few hundred words shorter than others. (My goal is at least 1500 words per chapter, 2000 is the best)


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