"George, show him!" Cosette exclaimed, looking towards him as he crawled under the covers.

George held up his hand so Fred could see that there was no longer a cut on it, "O'Connor performed magic outside of Hogwarts. Hard to believe, hey?"

Fred shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know Setty, how do I know that George didn't just heal it himself?" He was only asking it to tease her but she still pouted and stuck out her lower lip.

"I'll do it again," she suggested, "Just cut your hand open."

"Are you mad?" Fred chuckled and his hands went to her hips. Cosette squealed at the point of contact and fell onto the mattress as Fred tickled her sides. She tried to push his hands away as she struggled to breath through her laughter but eventually she managed to get herself under the blanket as well.

"I did do it," she told him as Fred kissed her forehead, "You believe me, right?"

"Of course I do, my love," he assured her, "But that doesn't mean I'm about to let you practice on me next."

He climbed out of bed and excused himself to go the bathroom, leaving George and her alone in the room again. With one arm resting under her pillow she turned on her side to look at where he was laying in his bed. He was on his back, staring at the hand that she had healed with a faint smile playing on his lips.

Out of the corner of his eye, George could tell that Cosette was looking at him and he suddenly grew a bit nervous. Wanting to fill the silence in the room, he dropped his hand to his chest and turned his head to face her, "What are you going to do next?"

"What do you mean?" She asked, already prepared to jump into a conversation with him.

"Well now that you've got a bit of a taste of illegal magic, what spell are you going to do next?"

Cosette thought about it for a second and sucked in a breath, "An unforgivable curse, probably. Those sound fun."

George rolled his eyes at her joke, "Sort of like a go big or go home kind of thing?"

"Well if it's illegal anyway, might as well make the most of it," she trailed off and the two of them exchanged a laugh from opposite sides of the room. Cosette liked how easy it was to talk to him. George was never one to make things awkward, even now when she was currently about to fall asleep in his twin brother's bed.

Fred entered the room again and this time he shut off the lights before climbing into bed next to Cosette. Aside from the moonlight shining in through the window, it was pitch black in the bedroom and even though Cosette was just talking at normal volume, she felt obligated to try and be quieter when she turned to face Fred.

He was already laying on his side looking at her and he gently pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. It would be a few minutes until either of them would adjust to the dark, but Cosette could make out the sound of his breaths and she didn't flinch when he trailed his thumb lightly across her cheek.

"I love you," he whispered.

Through the faint chirping of the crickets outside their window, Cosette opened her mouth to respond quietly, "Do you think you'll ever get tired of saying that?"

"Never," there was no hesitation in his voice.

"Oh good," She breathed out sarcastically, but Fred wasn't laughing for once in his life.

He ran his thumb softly over her lower lips and Cosette felt the butterflies return in her stomach, "Every time I look at you, Cosette, I find a reason to fall in love with you all over again."

Elusive // The Weasley TwinsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora