Faded 15

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I squealed a little when my Onii-chan helped me onto the large horse. Today he was teaching me how to ride and I was so exited. Our parents had owned these horses ever since I was born and I was finally getting my chance to ride one! My big brother got on behind me and I held on to the horse tightly. "That's not where you're supposed to hold." My Onii-chan said to me.

"I feel as if I'll fall if I don't hold on like this." I said back to him. I heard a light chuckle behind me and the horse started to move. At first I was scared. But as we made are way around the yard a few times I started to feel really exited! It was the greatest thing I've ever done in my whole life! I laughed the whole time until...

"Naruto? Get down from there. I need your help with something." Our personal cook appeared in front of us. It seems he always needs help with something! I tug on my Onii-chan's shirt and beg for him not to leave, but he does anyway. He helps me off the horse and smiles. "It will only take a minute. Wait here and I'll be back." He says before leaving with the cook.

But...he never did come back. Two hours past and I was getting bored just standing there talking to the horse so I went inside and made my way to our parents bedroom. I sat on the side of the bed that mother slept on. Their bed was perfectly made as always. Just as they left it. It hasn't changed at all. I smile when I remember the good memories I made with our parents. 

I frown when I remember the bad.

Gaara POV

I wonder what kind of bad memories Usagi had with her parents. How bad were they? I really want to know how this journal ends, but I am not going to skip through it unless I really have to. I want to know if my Master would tell me anything if I ask him about Usagi. I am not going to ask though because I don't want him to get mad at me. He might not feel comfortable knowing that I know about his other sibling.

Does his other sister know about the other sister? I haven't heard Usagi mention having another sibling so maybe Usagi was born before her? I wish someone would answer my questions. I have so many, but no answers at all.

SALUTATIONS!!!!!!! Here is the promised last chapter I hope you liked it!!!!! I will miss you all!!!!!!!!


This story is dedicated to you!!!!!!!

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