Don't Go Away

735 19 1

Gaara Pov

Master Naruto has been gone a lot lately and when he is here he looks really tired like he wants nothing to do with me.

I've been feeling sad because of this and I don't know why. Was it because I like Master Naruto? If that was the case then I wonder what would happen if this keeps happening.

I sighed and layed down on the large bed. I focused my gaze on the ceiling before closing my eyes. When I opened them again I saw nothing but blackness.

I stood up and walked a few inches then I stopped when I saw a figure in front of me. Well...they weren't really a figure. More like just the outline. They didn't have a face, but I could somehow tell they were smiling.

The outline held out a translucent hand to me and I took it. It led me through a place that looked like dreams. Dreams it has had.

Every dream it had was beautiful at the beginning but had a terrible ending. We finally made it to the end of this world of dreams.

The outline seemed to look with a face of concern at me and it disappeared. Then the world around me slowly started to disappear too.

"Wait. Come back!" I shouted as I tried to run after it even though it was already gone. The world came back to normal and I ran in a bookshelf.

"Ow..." I looked around and noticed I was in the library. Wait. When did I get here?

I quickly got up and made my way back the the bedroom. Master Naruto was not back yet and it was getting late. I guess I'll just head to bed.

I lay down in the darkness of the bedroom. I hate to admit it, but I wish Master Naruto was here with me. I closed my eyes again imagined Master Naruto lying by me and whispering things to me as I fell asleep.

The next day I awoke I was surprised to feel a warmth over me. I turned and saw Master Naruto lying beside me with one arm around me. He was smiling.

"M-Master? When did you g-get back?' I said. He pulled me closer and kissed me. "That doesn't matter. What does matter is the fact that you were calling my name in your sleep~"

I looked away and blushed. "I was not." I said flatly. I could him laughing softly and he kissed me again without any warning.

I wonder if Master Naruto is this to all of his pets...

I excused myself and got dressed for the day, so did Master.

I had breakfast alone again because Master Naruto was busy again today. I felt a little depressed at the news, but I got over it.

I usually don't much when Master Naruto isn't here. I just eat and sleep throughout the day.  It's pretty boring without him.

None of the people who work here pay any attention to me so I have a lot of time to think.

I hope I can spend some time with Master Naruto soon.

Sorry the chapter is not that interesting but I promise the next one will have some excitement!  Anyway bai ^^

He Cared...Gaara x Naruto OmegaVerseМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя