Human Changes - Sociology Paper

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Grace Crilly
Sociology 101

An individual person changes in many different ways as he / she grows in the physical characteristics he / she has that involve their, five senses when it comes to sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste. Something that I learned about how we change in our bodies is that every seven to ten years we grow a new set of cells, as if every year we are a different person. About every year individuals go to the doctor for a check-in for their ear, nose, and throat to make sure everything is healthy. Our senses every year changes as we age. What I've noticed a bit recently is that my grandma has been having trouble with her hearing and she's 87 years old. The one thing I remember hearing from someone that I know is that her grandma started to have trouble with her hearing about the age of 70. What I recollect to this is that people individually for their senses change at various ages, that there isn't a specific age when you lose your taste, smell, hearing, and touch. I didn't know that our sense of touch changes as we grow until I read an article, 'Aging Five Senses' that touch changes because of skin changes, sensitivity, and reduced circulation. I've recently observed that I have been reacting differently to chlorine after swimming, for some people they react with red dry patches of skin, which I have gotten, but I also have noticed that chlorine makes me sneeze like crazy. Yet, this has never happened to me before up until now, and I've been swimming since I was three years old. I'm not sure why my body reacts that way after swimming, I'm not sure if it has to do with age or not, but this is something new I have to deal with. Another way that we change is our behavior when we meet someone new, for instance, when I met my best friend we had completely different personalities, but we've known each other for nine years and since then my personality has changed because of her and so has her's. When you first meet someone you may not realize how they influence your behavior, that makes you question your own opinions and beliefs you've had before meeting that person. That's exactly what happened with me and my best friend, but it's still okay to keep strong beliefs and opinions that whoever you meet may not agree with. It's okay to disagree and not have everything in common with one another and this applies to any form of relationship, whether it's romantic or just a friendship. My best friend and I have our own personal opinions, likes, and beliefs and that's okay. I never realized how much influence my best friend has given me, she has changed me for the better and I do the same for her. Although, a person can influence their friend to have both good and bad behaviors, and I do believe my best friend and I have done this to each other before, but what's important is that both she and I learn our lesson. I definitely feel like I have that relationship with my parents where they give me both good and bad behaviors and not even realize it. The points I've made already in this paper is that we change in our bodies physically over time as we age and we change psychologically by human behavior. My last idea is how our brain changes as we age. The brain changes more than any other part of the body. The start of the brain developing the complex structures and networks change. In the first few years of life, the brain forms more than 1 million new neural connections every second. By preschool age, such as 6 years old the size of the brain increases and reaches around 90% of its adult volume. Planning, working memory, and impulse control are the last areas for the brain to mature, in which they may not fully develop until around the age of 35. The way our brain changes is by age, experience and hormonal changes. Some brain changes happen before and after puberty. Teenagers' brains roughly develop around the same time. There is a chance if a child started puberty early, their brain has already started to change. From a child to a teenager, it's important for the child to have a healthy relationship with adults such as their parents, caregivers, and teachers. This helps to increase positive. The ways to have healthy brain development for children to adolescents, as a teenager for the role of the parents to make sure to encourage positive behavior, promoting good thinking skills, making sure you children get good sleep at night, let them express strong emotions, let them take some healthy risks, talk through decisions, provide boundaries, offer praise to them frequently, and communicate with them. Negative impacts that occur through the development of a child to a teenager are the relationship they have with adults such as their parents to make impulsive behavior towards them, not being able to communicate with them, make impulsive decisions, they are also less likely to think before they act, less likely to change their inappropriate behaviors, have an unhealthy relationship with adults which can also affect how they make friends. The age of when the brain is fully developed is at 25 years old, although the ages between men and women vary. As we age, our brain goes through changes that can slow your thinking which can lose volume, the cortex in your brain becomes thinner, and your brain receptors don't fire as quickly. After the age of 25, the brain has hit its peak point in performance. This is where it will be the best at storing, cross referencing and recalling information. I thought it was important to end with how the brain changes, because it's a part of our cognitive thinking to reflect on opinions and behavior which causes us to change from hearing a second opinion. Where the sociological imagination comes into play, because it occurs in our mind. Our mind and our bodies are what change as we age. I personally think a crucial part in an individual's life is when meeting new people that are involved in your life, the way they behave affects us as individuals. People change because of the influence other people have on them both positively and negatively.

Sources Cited:

Bee, H. L. (2000) The Journey of Adulthood (4 th ed., pp. 62-97). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Nicholas, Hannah. 11/22/19. "What happens to the brain as we age?

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