Persuasive Outline Speech

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Grace Crilly

Topic: our eating habits affects us from losing weight.
Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience the best way to lose weight. Proposition of Action
Central Idea: The best way to lose weight is staying active and eating in moderation because keeping track on how active and our eating habits is important for our bodies to sustain a healthy weight.
Organizational Pattern: Topical

I. Introduction (Write out word for word.)
What is your favorite thing to eat? What's your favorite snack? Do you wake up early to go out on a run? Does that give you energy for the rest of the day? My favorite thing to eat is dairy free yogurt. My favorite snack is Nature Valley and Fiber One bars. I'll be honest with you, I don't like waking up early and I also don't like running. Although, I do know people who do that and they say it makes them more productive and energised. During this time, being stuck at home have you been able to make healthy choices? If you have not, what can we do to improve that? What you should think about what you can do is what matters. What I personally think the best way to lose weight is staying active and eating in moderation and you should think that too, that you would be able to do so yourself.

Transition: •Have you been able to focus on eating the right way lately?

II. Body

A- How we Eat + what we can do about it is what matters
•Now a lot of people aren't focused on how to keep up with how they eat and to make sure that they're eating healthy. Especially when we're stuck inside at home now.
•Have you been able to make good choices?
•Most of us now are in the habit of snacking at home, this affects us from gaining weight. There's still activity we can do in order to improve this that gives you that good feeling- satisfaction when you lose weight.

Transition: that satisfaction feeling is what can benefit you from eating Weight Watchers and Lean Cuisines that help the portion you intake.

B- Weight Watchers, Lean Cuisines, Moderation and Exercise/Swimming

Solution 1: What we should eat

•Weight Watchers is one of the best and common ways to help lose weight, which is what you should do for yourself.
•What you can do to lose weight from weight watchers is find new recipes, tweak old favourites that you can't live without, put your daily goals on paper, replace snack time with dinner, tap into technology support- get an app that tracks the amount of food you eat and your activeness- like the app FitBit and/or MyFitnessPal.

•Another way to work on eating besides Weight Watchers in moderation, are Lean Cuisines. Lean Cuisines are one of the best ways to help you to lose weight, however lean cuisines does have a lot of sodium intake though.
•You would want to go to your doctor about what to look out for and what your doctor would suggest for you about your health and your dietary habits.

Solution 2: How much we should eat
•We can still enjoy our favorite foods like pasta, pizza and ice cream, but we can do this by having smaller portions. Looking out for how much we eat is important for our body, to sustain a healthy weight.
•It can make you feel even better when you don't want that slice of pizza or bowl of ice cream. "Eating better got easier when 'I can't have that' turned into 'I don't want that'." Lorie Adams November 27, 2018

Solution 3: staying active
•Everybody exercises in their own way to burn off calories to lose weight. Simply just by walking and running helps you to and this is what we can still do. We can go out for a walk and/or run.
Participating in sports help to lose weight.
•You should have some sort of sport and/or activity you should have an interest/passion for
which can be taking part in basketball, swimming, karate and/or track .

•My passion is swimming. Swimming has always given me such an indescribable feeling like the water is my home and safe place. I personally think one of the best sports to lose weight is swimming and you should too

•These are what you should keep in mind about how swimming helps to keep yourself in shape and lose weight:
Sports like swimming helps to increase your reflexes and your muscles.
Exercise and activity like swimming should be done in the morning before eating.
Swim harder and faster to keep your heart rate up.
Switch up your swim routine: the strokes you perform in the water.
Swim four to five times a week and remember to start slow.
Also, using water weights helps to lose weight and also helps to build strength.

•Whenever I would go out swimming growing up when my mamo would take me swimming, she's told me, "The best way to burn off calories and lose weight is swimming." Which I've agreed with her since. I can say myself, swimming has helped me to lose weight.

Transition: the advice and recommendations you get from others impact and change your perspective on how it will help yourself in the end.

C- What this does for you/how it benefits you (benefit)
•The way people eat as an adolescent, is the same way they carry their eating habits as adults.
•It gets easier when you're asked if you want some ice cream or pizza and you say 'i don't want that'.
•Continuing how you are able to moderate how much you eat, benefits how you feel about it, it can give you a feeling of satisfaction. With the continuous diet, it can benefit for you to live a longer healthy life

Transition: keeping track what you eat and the amount you eat is what can help prevent eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia. What we choose to eat ourselves is what affects it the most.

III. Conclusion (Write out word for word.)

The choices we make affect our health for our eating habits and how it affects us to stay in shape which is a portion of what you heard today. I hope that you can see from this speech today is how weight watchers, lean cuisines, daily activity and managing our eating habits is how we can lose weight. One of the best ways to help us to make good choices for our diet and activity is by tracking how we eat and stay active on an app like FitBit and/or MyFitnessPal. The best way to lose weight is staying active and eating in moderation and you should think that too, that you would be able to do so yourself. Only we're the ones that can make this happen for us, don't take advantage of our time now, we should enjoy every moment we can this summer.

Works Cited
Quote from Mamo (grandma) from five years ago
Weight Watchers Quotes, Lorie Adams, November 27, 2018

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