"May I remind you that you're the one to start every conversation? I told you I would be gone if you gave me a minute but no, of course you need to talk like there is no tomorrow." Mark snapped.

Donghyuck raised his eyebrows. He hadn't even said that much, Mark surely was exaggerating. What a drama queen he was.

"Fine, I shall never talk to you again. Fucking asshole." Donghyuck hissed through his teeth as he stared at Mark. The man's jaw was clenched and Donghyuck hated the fact that Mark was ever so slightly taller than him so he had to look up.

The older just hummed at Donghyuck's words and collected a few sticks as well as the dead animal he had shot last night. Donghyuck couldn't even bear to look at it, not wanting to identify it not seeing the flesh of the animal. He turned his face away in disgust and next time he looked, Mark was already at the border between jungle and beach.

So that's how it was going to be. No interaction, no working together, nothing. Mark was really set on living alone and it somewhat annoyed Donghyuck. He knew that Mark could survive alone, obviously, and slowly he started to believe in his own survival too. However working together would make the whole thing so much easier. It was ridiculous really. But then again, Mark couldn't even look at Donghyuck without rolling his eyes and the other felt irritated any time he caught a glance of Mark. So maybe it was better this way, the two just living separately. Donghyuck would not break his word and be the first to conversation. If Mark ever got in trouble, well he could see how how he would deal with it without Donghyuck's help.

While deep in thoughts, Donghyuck cooked yesterday's fish over the fire. Yes, it was weird to eat fish for breakfast but did he care? Most definitely not. He needed all energy he could get to just get over another day. And another. And another. Donghyuck shivered at the thought of how long he would be stuck here.

At first he had still hoped for any sign of civilisation but neither him nor Mark, who had definitely explored the island more out of the two, had found any trace of another human being outside of the other. So would they just be stuck here, alone in this sickening utopia forever?

Donghyuck shook his head, trying to get rid of those depressing thoughts. Instead he made breakfast for himself and then after went for even more fish hunting. He could feel every single muscle in his body strain and therefore wasn't the biggest fan of moving around in the water.

Surprisingly the fish stayed by his side and after three catches, Donghyuck gave up his hunting and just watched them swim around his waist. He looked down at his hands which were burning due to the salt water coming in contact with the little cuts on his knuckles. He had no recollection of getting them, it just happened while he was trying to survive.

He now noticed that he hadn't seen himself in ages. He had no idea of how he looked right now since there was no mirror or glass anywhere except on the plane which he had mostly used to sleep.

He waded over to the wreck and used one of the windows as a mirror since the sun was reflecting against the glass.

His hair had gotten just a little longer but that wasn't what caught him off guard. It was all those cuts and bruises spread over his face and neck. Again no memory of getting them even though he knew they were from his adventures through the jungle. Kind of ironic how he had judged Marl for them when he himself didn't look any better.

With his fingers he traced over the blemishes, wincing each time his finger pressed a little too hard on his own skin. He would try and heal them but it would be of no use. They would just reappear with his next visit in the jungle which he planned on having in the afternoon. He didn't know why exactly he wanted to go back but he was slowly losing interest in the beach. It was the same every damn day with nothing new happening.

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