2.0: Welcome Mrs Walsh Number Three

Start from the beginning

I grabbed his arm and tugged him to a halt, turning him around as a cab beeped at us. "Maybe you should shut the hell up and watch where you're walking?" I poked at his chest and waited for the walking man on the signal to turn green.

"God knows what people at work might be thinking right now, since we just ran off like that." He went on, and I could only roll my eyes. "Geez, I bet the reason that brat called was because your Uncle asked where you and I were, and he wanted to find a way to prove it wasn't in anyway true-"

"Jesus, Hame!" I flicked my arms into the air and began to march away, ahead of him to expand our gap and ignore him while he kept ranting about his problems. His voice was faint, but I knew he wasn't talking to me anymore, and when I peeked over my shoulder, he was talking to his phone.

We were about one block away from our office, and the closer we got, the familiar the faces. Although there was a division between every single one of them. The senior and more experienced lawyers were all on their phones talking so serious and acting like robots, while the lower rank employees conversed amongst themselves just like normal human beings in society - and I want to advise them so much to enjoy the moment. And in all honesty, my gut was telling me that I'd reach that point. But I'm going to do my best to not make it so easy.

"Annie- Annie!"

"What?" I faced Hamish, but he didn't call me, he was still on his phone yapping.

"Oh my God, Annie, I have not seen you in a while! Why have you hid yourself from me?"

"Huh?" I went back around and still no one.


Someone gripped my shoulders and I came face to face with a black haired, brown eyed woman. She had a wide grin, one that showed nearly all her teeth, and I froze.

"Do you not remember me?"

I nodded slightly. "Aren't you pregnant?" I beckoned to a stomach that just looked extremely bloated, not carrying a baby, but then again, she had great genes and I've seen her sister when she was pregnant, so I guess she was pretty blessed.

"Yeah, near seven months!" Her excitement showed through her higher pitched voice and she nearly jumped on the spot.

"W-What are you doing here?" I cleared my throat.

She flicked her finger on my forehead and frowned. "Oh, stop being silly, I'm here with your client-"

"-Wouldn't that be a conflict of interest?"

"No, because technically we're not related yet. I'm still to marry my fiancé and you're the same."

I reached to the back of my neck and slightly gave it a rub as I nervously chuckled. "That's true... I guess..." I faintly agreed with her.

"Holy crap, is that Hamish Schwartz?" We faced towards the direction I walked from, her face slightly expressed some surprise, since she probably thought she'd ever see the day she would reunite with the very man.

"Son of a gun, it's Julia Owens," Hamish chuckled at the reunion. He came close, but his eyes headed straight down to her belly, the well rounded one at that, and he looked confused. He gave me a quick glance before he jokingly asked, "Annie told me you lost weight, why is there still a stomach?"

I slapped his arm. "Jerk."

"I see you haven't changed one bit, Schwartz," She glared.

Yes, Julia Owens. The very same that used to work with us in the public defenders office, and the same Julia that Hamish wasn't particular fond of - particularly mocking at her weight. To this day, he wouldn't tell me why, only changing his reasons each time. And yes, Julia Owens is the same mistress that got impregnated by the 62-year-old Mr Walsh, one of the big two. I asked Dominic how she and Nathaniel met, he didn't know, neither did my Father and the rest of the staff. I assumed that they got close during the time Nathaniel spent most of his time in the courtrooms because of a lawsuit. They were tight lip about pretty much everything, the only time she and her rich fiancé announced was her surprise pregnancy, the divorce from the second wife and their pending marriage.

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