Camping out

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As everyone was hyping up everyone in the car we heard someone said they had to go pee

Franky: ughhhhh who said they had to go pee ?

Gavi shyly raised her hand and said well it's cause I didn't get time to pee when we left since everyone wanna leave so fucking badly she said madly

Mya pulled over so gavi can used the bathroom

Gavi: thank you thank you and I'm sorry she laughed as she rushed out the car

Jj: soooo what everyone been up too since you know I been gone

Everyone stayed silent until mya said you know the same o what ever the normal people do she laughs just as everyone in the car did

Jj said I know I been gone but I really missed y'all he said smiling

Just when he said that gavi came back and said it was too cold for her out there she laughs I was using my powers and all I hope no one seen me

Mya started driving again when gavi got back in the car

After a couple of hours mya pulled up so we can get out

They all walked out the car and Franky had a stuff bear to keep him safe but dd said leave that shit in the car

Everyone laughed but Mya and said he probably want it leave him alone

Franky smiled and whispered a thank you but he left it in the car

Gavi: well since no one talkin whike we walking to the right place how about we do truth or dare as gavi smiled

Tori shook her head and said HELL NO! cause last time I remember Franky had to do a split and he was hurt on one of your dares are crazy gavi
she laughs

Gavi smiled and said everyone told him to pick truth

Franky: yea I did good though even tho my legs hurted like fuck he laughed

Everyone laughed amd agreed everyone stopped and Mya said we here

Gavi was putting up the tints and Jj was helping

Tori, dd and Mya was doin the foods

Franky was walking around looking for something mya asked what was he looking for

Franky turned around and face mya and said "well I was looking for something to swim in

Mya didn't say nothing after that

Franky: I'm gonna be back I'm gonna find a lake or something.

Tori said "wait you can't go by your self "

Franky knew that she wanted to go with him so he said sure of course I can't go by my self he smiled

Tori was catching up to him as they both was looking for the water

Jj: umm gavi can I talk to you for a min after we done with last tint he grinned

Gavi smiled and said sure and got done with it she asked what's up ? With a confused face

Jj didn't know what to tell her but he knew he had to say something right

Jj: gavi I know I'm back i missed y'all a lot but something at my job happend and I know I Shoudnt tell I this but .........

Gavi was confused on why he was telling her this

Jj continued to talk on what he was about to say
Well my job kinda told me to keep y'all safe i don't know why so don't ask me he look scared so that's why I'm here please don't be made.

Gavi looked shocked and mad and Confused why he didn't say nothing before they left

Gavi: so why the fuck you didn't say anything we left you know you coudve told us that before BEFORE WE COULD GET KILLED YOU KNOW WE ALMOT EXTINCT RIGHT ! As she yelled

Jj didn't know wat to do but he had to shut her up cause she was mad and yelling

Jj: gavi I'm sorry I just wanted to let you have your fun I'm really sorry don't tell no one okay please I'm sorry!! he said

Gavi didn't know what to do she had to tell her friends what he said but she told him I'm not mad I'm just scared for our fucking lives since it's on the line you know I do have to tell them right

Jj nodded his head and said of course I do but we only staying three days so just tell them tomorrow so they can have they fun and we can leave he smiled

Gavi didn't want to agree but she said okay

Tori and Franky seem to came back laughing and smiling .

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