And she did but not before making a stop because apparently drenched clothes were a no go. I'd disagree because I know I look quite charming in anything I wore, but she swore I couldn't go into Lux like this so, she motioned to some shops we could go to but when she wasn't looking, I flapped my wings open and shot myself into the air, letting the fast rush of the wind dry my clothing.

Once I made sure the landing was clear, I dropped back down and fixed the collar of my jacket in time for Kristina to walk back out of the store and spot me, her eyes widening. "Better, yeah?" I questioned and winked when she continued to stare at me in shock. "Let's see what this Lux is all about."

I started walking away now, her quickly following and motioning me to walk past the line of people that were wrapped around the building. Well, apparently this was the place to be if mortals as impatient as them can wait to enter a building. It might we worth it after all.

We walked straight through the doors and I was immediately submerged into a darker atmosphere, the music loud and vibrating off of the walls. There were poles and girls were going up and down them. Now that's an odd sight.. what if they fell? Surely that'd hurt.

And the people dancing in the middle seemed to be moving with one another to the music as well with drinks in their hands. "Where can I get one of those?" I asked the girl I came with, my finger pointing at the pinkish looking drink in the girls hand.

"The bar." I was then led to a long counter-like section that had multiple chairs lined up and glass bottles almost as tall at the ceiling stacked against the wall. Hennessy? Tequila? Vodka? And here I thought the array of wines we had back home were extensive. "What would you like?"

I looked at all the drinks, shrugging. "Whichever one is to make me feel the effects the most." She smirked and turned to the working guy behind the 'bar' and telling him some sort of drink order. The guy nodded and quickly worked around his section and sat two small glasses and two taller glasses in front of us.

I stared at the clear liquid, my eyes squinting before I lifted it up and drank it in one gulp. "It's like.. a bit spicy." I mumbled and then grabbed the taller glass to take a sip. It was a dark liquid that had quite the bite to it. But it was also sweet. "Liquid spicy candy."

"Liquid spicy candy?" Kristina questioned when I took another sip. "It's Jack and Coke." I hummed and licked my lips before titling the cup back and starting to gulp it down. "Oh you shouldn't.." she trailed off when I sat the glass down and waved at the guy.

"Hey, another one of these please? Jackson and Coke." He looked at me in confusion but grabbed the glass and did as I asked. "I'm starting to see the appeal of earth." I said and looked around in excitement, everything new and shiny and loud.

Might be just the place for me..

Apparently three glasses of Jackson and Coke didn't have as big of an effect on me as I originally thought. So, I ordered three of the bottles and drank them with a straw.

It wasn't hitting me until about a quarter of the third bottle was left. That's when the lights started to get a bit blurry and I could sense the heaviness of my limbs.

"Excuse me, miss?" I hummed, turning to the same guy who had been giving me the bottles. "Time for your payment." I raised my eyebrows in confusion. Payment? "You've order three bottles of whisky and still owe the payment."

Oh right. Mortals chose to make things a charge instead of simply living happily and free. Greedy bastards. "Right," I smiled innocently and looked down at the bottle before slowly handing it to him. "Well, I didn't finish this one."

He shook his head and grabbed my arm when I tried to walk away. "You owe three hundred dollars. Pay up or you'll have hell to pay."

I snorted. Hell to pay, how ironic is that? "If my brother made a price to sell hell, no one would be able to afford it. Now, excuse me. I have the desire to dance." I started to walk away and although I was borderline drunk, I felt the goosebumps on the back of my neck rise, followed by the whisk of air that prompted me to moved to the left.

Angels Don't Fly [Lucifer Inspired Y/n Story]Where stories live. Discover now