Chapter 30 - Restaurant Date

Start from the beginning

"Yes I'll go with you to the restaurant." Areum said interrupting Jugyeong who immediately glared over at her. 

Areum didn't want to be present while Jugyeong and Suho described their little "kiss" and wanted to get out of there fast. But she didn't want to leave Suho with Jugyeong either. 

"Come on, we got to get to lunch." Areum said standing up and walking past Jugyeong as she headed for the door meanwhile Suho scrambled to get up in order to follow the girl, leaving Jugyeong behind standing there alone. 


"This is nice," Areum complimented Suho's choice of restaurant as they both entered the place after school. 

"I'm glad you like it." 

"Table for two please," Suho said to the waitress before they both followed her to their seat in the back next to a giant glass window.

"Take your time to order," the waitress said before walking off leaving the two students who sat there in silence, looking over the menu. 

Areum flipped through the pages not knowing what to pick. 

"Pick anything you like, it's on me." Suho said looking up at her before returning his attention back onto the menu. 

'Of course it is you're the one who invited me, why would I pay?' Areum chuckled softly. 

"How about we get the couples meal?" Suho asked while Areum's head snapped up as the word 'couple' left Suho's mouth. 

"We aren't a couple though," Areum said nervously wondering why he would even ask that. 

"True, but we're best friends. Plus it comes with a lot of stuff," he explained quickly as Areum hesitantly nodded. 

Areum set the menu down since Suho was ordering their food. 

As the waitress walked away with their order, Areum's phone began to ring. 

"Hey dad," she answered after checking the caller. 

"Hey sweetie, how are you?" 

Suho sat and watched as she talked with her father over the phone and wished he had a relationship with his father like that. He did feel bad knowing that his father did try, but Suho wasn't ready to forgive him over what he had done. He wasn't sure if he ever would. 

"Yeah, I'm with Suho right now." Areum said breaking Suho out of his thoughts. 

"Alright, have fun then. I'll talk to you later, tell Suho I said hi!" 

"Will do, bye dad." Areum said before ending the call and putting her phone back into her bag. 

"My father says hi," Areum told Suho as she rested her hands on the table. 

"Tell him I said hi back, I haven't taken to him in a while. How has he been?" Suho asked genuinely. Even though both fathers were very busy men, Si-hyuk still found time for his daughter while Suho's father didn't. Therefore Si-hyuk was pretty much Suho's father figure growing up since he spent most of his time with Areum. 

"He's been busy. His boy group is having a comeback soon I'm surprised he found time to call." Areum said taking a sip of the water. 

"They'll do well, they always do." Suho complimented while Areum nodded agreeing. 

"Here you go," the waitress said as she placed their food on the table before they both thanked her. 

"There's only one set of utensils?" Areum questioned after only seeing one pair. 

Suho was confused as well until he saw another couple sitting across from them, feeding each other making his face heat up.

Areum saw as well and had the same reaction. 

Suho quickly took the utensils before Areum could making her huff in annoyance since she felt weird being fed. 

"Open up," Suho teased after cutting some of the chicken to feed her.

Areum hesitantly leaned in taking the chicken off the fork before chewing. 

"Good?" Suho asked. Areum nodded wiping her mouth. 

"I'm so sorry," the waitress interrupted as she set another pair of utensils down at their table before hurrying off making the two of them freeze. 

"Well this is better," Areum said laughing in hopes to ease the tension while Suho nodded.

Before Areum got the chance to take another bite of the chicken, she heard people shouting her and Suho's name. 

"LEE SUHO, CHA AREUM!" they screamed as they ushered over to where they were sitting. 

Areum gave them a silent wave as Suho sat there uncomfortably, not liking the attention. 

"A couples meal," a classmate teased them after seeing what was on the table

"SHE'S BLUSHING! SHE'S BLUSHING!" Tae-hoon screamed as Areum tried to cover her face. 

"Can you guys confirm that you're dating?" they interrogated while Suho prayed that they would leave them alone. 


"GUYS! They're on a date and deserve privacy." Tae-hoon said making his classmates step back. 

"You're right. Let's go guys," Sang-jin said leading his friends away while Tae-hoon sent Suho as fist bump telling him that he was proud of him. 

"I'm sorry about that," Suho apologized after the left while Areum just waved it off not really bothered. 

"So why did you invite me here?" Areum asked picking up a piece of broccoli after remembering Tae-hoon saying that this was a 'date'.

 "I wanted to spend time with you," Suho started, "I realized how long it had been ever since it had been only the two of us, together." 

Areum nodded at his words agreeing with what he had said, also glad that she accepted his offer. 

She was glad that he didn't take this time to ask about her feelings or talk about his, but enjoyed their meal together as friends

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