Mary Margaret gets into a fistfight.

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Is it just me that thinks the idea of weekends is pretty cruel? I mean the whole week, you get through- much like climbing a mountain- and you reach the crest of the mountain with a lot of difficulties. And before you know it, you slip on a rock and fall headlong straight down. And then you have to start all over again.  It's sick, really.

That's how I felt like walking up on Monday mornings. Like I am being pushed off a mountain.

I groaned and scrambled out of my sheets, trying to get up for the day. Emma had gone off to god knows where. I wonder how their not a date went.  

Getting ready for school was also a pain. I slept while showering, I slept while brushing and I slept while dressing. I ended up wearing my t-shirt over my coat. Shaking my head, I rearranged my clothing.

I walked downstairs to see Mary Margaret eating pancakes. Serving myself a plate, I sat down. 

"Good morning", I said, stifling a yawn. I hit myself to stop from nodding off.

"Hey", Mary Margaret replied. She looked really happy. "When did you sleep last night?"

I was about to reply but Mary Margaret burst off, "He told her! I know I shouldn't be that happy, but I can't help it! Everything is finally falling into place!"

"I am really happy for you, Mary Margaret, but I am concentrating on slicing my pancake here.", I said tiredly. I should not have stayed up watching The Lord of The Rings. 

Mary Margaret helped me like I were a five-year-old learning how to hold a fork and knife. 

"Anyway", she said, going back to her pancakes once I managed to take a bite from my own. "Will you stop by my class after school today? I need help to carry some notebooks"

"Sure", I said, drinking my orange juice. It really is amazing how much food can give you energy.


After class, I walked to the elementary block, just like Mary Margaret asked me to. I was 10 meters away from the entrance when someone called me from behind. 

Recognizing his voice, I turned around, rolling my eyes. "You have got to stop calling me from behind, Dean-o", I said, joking.

He caught up, laughing. "Where you going?", he asked me.

"Gonna help Mary Margaret with some books. And you?", I asked him. I kept trying to forget about Piper Screw Up No. 2: Valentine's day edition. I was too tired to feel any awkwardness.

"Gonna pick up my bro, Sam", he said, walking with me.

"I didn't know you had a little brother", I said, entering the building.

"There's a lot of stuff you don't know about me, Piper", he said, sighing, like he was sad that we didn't connect more. 

I was going to say something when someone pushed between and rushed forward. 

"Hey, look where you're going!", Dean yelled. 

But the woman who pushed us just kept on striding forward. I realized it was Kathryn. Oh no. She looked really angry.  Before I even knew what was happening, Kathryn confronted Mary Margaret, who was walking towards us.

I thought they might just talk, but Kathryn slapped Mary Margaret right across her cheek, the sound resonating in the halls. People stared at them.

 I rushed forward but didn't get near Mary Margaret because Dean grabbed my wrist and pulled me to an abandoned side corridor. 

"LET ME GO!", I shouted. I had to help Mary Margaret. How dare Kathryn hit her! I wasn't thinking straight, though. Kathryn was a really sweet person and she wouldn't do something like that without reason. But seeing someone hurt Mary Margaret, I kind of lost it.

"No!", Dean shouted back, struggling to keep me calm. "She's really angry and you getting involved will only add fuel to the fire!"

I leaned against the wall and slid down until I was sitting. I could only see red. "We have to do something!", I cried.

Dean sat next to me and held my hand. "Calm down, just wait here."

He got up and moved out of my sight. I didn't even care where he was going. I had enough of sitting there. I got up and went to the main corridor, where I saw Kathryn leaving. I would have gone after her but right then, I only cared about Mary Margaret. 

Dean was standing there and I pushed past him and approached Mary Margaret, who was standing there, looking hurt and confused. Her face was bright red. Everyone else was still staring at her. 

"WHAT YOU LOOKING AT?!", I yelled, glaring at them. I know I shouldn't have yelled at elementary kids, but my heart was beating fast and I was so angry I could physically feel my blood boil.  I grabbed Mary Margaret's hand and pulled her through the corridor, leaving the school.

She kept on mumbling, looking horror-stricken, "He didn't tell her. He didn't tell her, Piper"

I understood that David must have chickened out and didn't tell Kathryn about their relationship. And now I was angry at my own grandfather. I tried calming myself down because I knew Mary Margaret needed me. I led her home, trying to calm her down. This shouldn't have happened. I can only imagine what she must be feeling right now. Mary Margaret doesn't deserve this. And once again, I was angry at the curse.


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