I mess up.

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I, Emma, and Mary Margaret sat in Granny's, Emma grumbling about Regina as usual.

"Don't let my feelings cloud my judgment? That's all Regina ever does.", she said, crossing her arms.

"She's just upset because you and Henry have a special place and she... she doesn't", Mary Margaret said. Henry's castle had gotten hit by the storm. Turns out, Regina lectured Emma about Henry's 'safety' and how she was irresponsible.

"How'd she find out about the castle in the first place?", she asked, eyeing me.

"Why are you looking at me?", I asked, surprised. "You think I snitched? There isn't anything to snitch."

"I just... You were so chummy about Regina and how you were supporting her", she said.

"Chummy? She's a mother, Emma. She deserves to be with her kid too. I can't believe you are suspecting me for something so small."

"Well, I am his mother, too.", she said, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, I am not suspecting you or anything. I just... I am upset, you know? Regina's always on my case. Like she's waiting for me to mess up. I didn't even mess up!", Emma said, throwing her hands up.

"It's okay, Emma. Henry knows who you are, and Regina can't change that."

"I gotta go", Mary Margaret said, looking at her phone. I caught a glimpse and I am pretty sure it was from David.

"Everything okay?", Emma asked.

"Yeah, yeah", Mary Margaret said hurriedly. " Look, if it makes you feel any better, I think you're right. I see the effect she has on Henry.", she added, trying to make Emma feel better.

"I wish everyone else did, too", Emma said. Mary Margaret left.

I gathered my stuff up and got up. "Where are you going?", Emma asked me.

"Stuff", I said and hurried out quickly.

I followed Mary Margaret at a safe distance. She turned to the old Toll bridge, walking fast and briskly. I hid in the trees, looking at where she was going. Sure enough, she met up with David, who was standing on the bridge. After talking a few seconds, David pulled Mary Margaret away. I kept inching, but at the same time hiding, to see where they were going.

I watched as David led her to a picnic blanket filled with food and wine. Suddenly, I was happy. Unrequited love. Amazing.

My happiness soon turned to disgust as the pair start kissing lovingly. "Ew", I exclaimed softly and turned and started walking back. Even though the last part was unnecessary, I was still glad. I guess true love does find a way. I smirked at the thought of that.


I went back to Granny's and helped Ruby around the place. I took out the trash, scrubbed the dishes, and even learned to make pie. Oh god, the pie was amazing.

It was afternoon when I went to the counter to start serving the orders. Henry was sitting on one of the stools, scribbling something. I didn't get time to talk to him as the orders just kept coming. Eventually, Ruby told me to take five and relax. I went and took a seat beside Henry, exhausted.

"What's up?", I asked Henry.

"Can't talk, Piper. I have to write it down before it all goes away.", he mumbled and kept on scribbling.

I took a peek and understood what he wrote. It was his homemade version of the storybook. Why would he write it down when the storybook itself is there, safe in its usual hiding place under his castle?

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