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Its been a year since the war has ended. Professor Dumbledore turned out to be alive. Which I found to be very suspicious but I left it be because I lost enough people. Without being suspicious of the ones I have left. Ginny and I got married a month ago. I was having a pretty good life. I woke up in pain like something in me was breaking. I was panting and shaking on the floor. I looked up into the eyes of the person I had trusted for most of my life. Dumbledore stood over me pulling out his wand.
"I'm sorry my boy but I can't let you live you threaten everything I've ever worked for." I laid there looking up at him chuckling to myself of course the person who kills me is the leader of the light and with that Dumbledore yelled "Avada Kedavra"

I woke up in a dark room. Wait I woke up am I dead? I should be dead. I started to panic looking around. Where am I? What is this place? Why am I here? What's going on? A dark shadowed man walked into the room. "I see you awake."
"Where am I?" I asked. "Ah I forgot to introduce my self you would know me by the name death. Yes, you are dead but because you are my master I have an offer for you." Death stood calmly waiting for me to speak. "How am I your master? And what is your offer?" I sat looking confused. "You became my master when you got all three of the deathly hollows and I offer to send you back in time to the first time I came in contact with you. Also, your ancestors will teach you so you go back with more knowledge." Death calmly explained to me. "I accept your offer. How long do I have before I go back to earth?" I asked. "You have as long as you want for you are my master. Now let's go and introduce you to your ancestors." He looked at me before turning and walking off. I jumped up and had to slightly run to catch up with him. Somehow I feel this is going to be a long stay. For I am to learn enough to go back in time and fix as many mistakes as possible. Death finally stopped in front of a big wooden door with brass handles. He knocked once before entering. When we walked in there were many around 8 people in there all of them chatting and looking happy. When we walked in they turned their head to look at us. A lady with black hair stood up to look at us. "This wouldn't happen to harry now would it?" She asked this in a very calming voice. "Yes, this is harried. He has accepted my deal to go back in time to fix some mistakes." Death answered before going to lean against the wall. "I see, well my name is Godric Griffindor." Came a deep male voice. I bowed my head "it is very nice to meet one of the founders of Hogwarts." I spoke respectfully. "He has nice manners. I'm Rowena Ravenclaw and this is Helga Hufflepuff." The woman he first talked to pointed to a woman with brown hair. I bowed my head to both of them. "I'm Salazar Slytherin and this is Merlin and Arthur." Salazar pointed to two men sitting next to each other. I once again bowed my head to all of them. "And I'm Newt Scamander and this is Morgana." Newt nodded to the woman sitting furthest from me. "He needs to be trained so he can go back with the most possible knowledge." Death spoke for the first time since we entered.
1000 years later
I was taught everything from herbology to weapons and magical creatures. It was finally the day for my departure. I turned to everyone I had gotten to know these last years. "Thank you for everything you've done for me. I will see you again" I turned away from them before I could start crying and walked over to death and time. "Before we go I'm to give you all of our gifts. From Rowena's eidetic memory. From Helga the ability to speak any language be it, human or creature. From Godric two weapons of your choice. From Salazar the ability to do any parselmagic. And the rest of our gifts you will find in our vaults or you will find them when you are reborn." And with that said I linked my arms with death and time. I felt a pull on my navel and then everything was black.

If I made any mistakes in this chapter feel free to tell me. I forgot to say this but I don't own any of these characters. If you have any requests just ask and I'll see what I can do.

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