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Harry's POV:
After Sirius had collapsed on the bed we laid there for a while almost forgetting everything outside of this room. Forgetting everything but each other. He laid with his head on my chest snuggling closer. Purring ever so slightly. "Siri, are you a dog or a fucking cat?" I asked. He looked up offended "I'm grim to be exact." He gruffly told me. "Hm and do grims purr cause you seem to be doing that alone lately." I jokingly said chuckling as I looked at his face. "I don't purr." He said as he looked away blushing. I think I've teased him enough or have I.
Harry: Nope I clearly remember you purring repeatedly.
Sirius: Nope never happened
Harry: Are you sure about that
Sirius: Yes
Harry: Great let's go find a pensive and view my memories
Sirius: No no I think we're good
Harry: Aw you have to ruin all my fun
Siri: Yes yes I do now knock it off harry
Harry: Never but I'll let you be for now but something coming for you whether you're prepared for it or not is none of my business
I look down to see him looking at me with shock written on his face. Welp, he does deserve everything I throw at him. I mean he dared to deny that he was purring then proceeded to say I was a liar. He has started a prank war and he doesn't even know it yet. He probably thinks I'm too serious to do this but I've learned a lot from my demon twins I mean they are the best pranksters around since the marauders.
Harry: Okay we need to get going to Gringotts or they'll be closed by the time we get there
Siri: I don't want to get up
Harry: I know I don't either but we need to see if dumbasadoor did anything to you and potentially fix anything he did please for me.
Siri looked up at me before nodding his head. We both got dressed before I aparated us there. As we walked inside I bowed my head as a sign of respect to the goblins before I walked up to an open teller. I need a test for potions and blocks for my mate, please. I asked the goblin that sat in front of me I think his name was sharpclaw. I see right this way I will take you to your family accountant Mister Potter. He answered before walking to the back room and into an office. Here you go, Mister Potter. He said before walking out and closing the door behind him. I ushered Siri into a seat before sitting beside him.
Griphook: I need three drops of blood on this paper
I took the knife from him before turning to my mate "I'm going to cut your finger okay." Siri nodded his head and looked down at his lap before sticking his hand out for me. I cut his finger and put three drops on the paper before healing his cut and cleaning the knife. I handed Griphook the knife. I took the paper and I felt anger boiling in me.
Name: Sirius Black
Creature: wolf (sub)
Mate: Harry Potter (dom)
Potions and spells:
Obligate all memories of mate
Trust potion keyed to dumbledor and the order of the Phoenix
Do or die potion
I looked up and looked at my little mate before dragging him onto my lap and wrapping my arms around him.

Sorry for such a short chapter. I needed to get this out but I was busy with school and didn't have a chance to write. I would like to thank these four people for following me:

I would also like to thank you guys for almost 2k reads it means a lot to me.

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