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Just then as I was contemplating my entire existence Harry entered the room so quietly that I didn't even notice until he was crouched Infront of me looking worried. He brought my hands down from my head and it to my lap. "Hey, you okay Sirius?" He asked softly. I just shook my head I don't know am I okay am I not. "I don't know." I softly whispered as a tear ran down my face. Why was I crying? I felt the bed shift before being dragged onto a lap. "Shh shh is all going to be okay." He whispered as I wrapped my arms around him putting my head on his shoulder. I don't know what was going on I don't know why I was crying. I'm so confused but being in Harry's arms felt safe and I wanted to stay there longer. I thought as I slowly drifted off to sleep once again.

I had walked into my room to see Sirius clutching his head looking down at his lap. I crouched in front of him. I was worried about why was he clutching his head. He didn't even hear me when I had called his name twice. I softly grabbed his hands and brought them to his lap. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked softly not wanting to startle him. He simply shook his head like he didn't know. I sat waiting for him to say something and when he finally did speak all he said was "I don't know." This was upsetting. I sat down on the bed with my back on the headboard. I pulled him onto my lap so he was facing me. He buried his face in my neck as his sobbing got quieter. I used my fingers to comb through his hair as I softly cooed at him. "Shh shh is all okay everything is going to be okay." His breathing evened out tell-all that could be heard was soft snoring. Even in his sleep still clung to me holding on too tight for me to escape his grip. Even though I wouldn't want to leave. This was my little mate as I figured out when I walked into this room tonight. I don't know why I didn't see it when I first met him but I do know that I will do anything and everything to protect him. Although I don't think I should tell him just yet he has enough going on without finding out I was his dominant mate. Right now I just need him to relax. I lowered myself down to tell Sirius was laying slightly on top of me. With that I let sleep take me. I woke up around 11:30 crap I need to get up I have a meeting in 30 minutes. I tried to get out of Sirius's grip but couldn't. Dammit, I'm going to have to wake him and I don't want to do that. I start lightly shaking him to wake him up. "Hey Sirius, it's time to wake up." He just snuggled closer rubbing his head into my chest. Dammit, why does he have to be so cute? I plug his nose and hold it for a couple of seconds when he jerks up. "Why the heck did you do that?" He almost shouted. "I need to get up and you weren't waking up. Also can you please get off me?" I explained. He looked down to see he was straddling me and quickly got off blushing. Aww, he looks so cute. "Sorry." He mumbled. "It's quite all right now I have a meeting to attend later than 30 min. Okay, that way you're not alone too long. Just please try to relax there's no reason to stress out okay. When I get back we'll talk some more okay?" I asked as I got up and turned to look at him. "Yeah well talk later." He said quietly as he stared down at his hands. I walked out of the room sadly I hated to leave him when he still didn't look better. I hoped this little meeting with Rita goes fast so I can go back to my little mate. Even if he doesn't know it yet he is my mate. About 20 minutes later after our meeting, I made my way back up the stairs to see Sirius sitting exactly where I left him. Oh, dear. I walked over and sat down next to him wrapping my arm around his shoulder. He quickly snuggled against my side and sighed softly. I stoked his hair and just sat there next to him. "Sirius I think we need to talk. Whatever going on I want to help you through it please let me help you." I quietly spoke to him. "I don't know what going on I was thinking about everything that has been happened and then I just kinda blacked out till you got there and helped me," Sirius said snuggling even further into my side. This poor thing doesn't even know what's going on. "Sirius do you have a mate?" I asked him to take his mind off things. "I don't know why?" He looked up at me confused. "Do you know what happens to a submissive when they find their dominant?" I again asked him. "They start wanting them to always be around and want physical contact I think." He said looking up at me. "Sirius think what has happened in the last day."
Sirius pov:
What does he mean to think about what has happened? I got out of jail I learned Harry and Alex were the same people I broke down harry helped me and here we are. "Sirius you broke down when I wasn't here the only thing that snapped you out of it was me touching you. As soon as you were on my lap you calmed down. I mean look at us right now you keep trying to get even closer to me even though you're already as close as you can get." He told me as he looked down at me. No, he couldn't mean I looked between us and sure enough I was once again on his lap snuggled up against him. Was he my mate or was this some twisted joke? He's my godson even if he says he's over a thousand years old it doesn't change the fact that to the world he is only 10 years old. What if he leaves me? I started shaking and tears started rolling down my cheeks once again. "Oh shh shh, it's all going to be okay I'm not going to leave. I'm staying right here with you." He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. If even possible I snuggled even closer. My face once again finding its way onto his shoulder as I sobbed. He wasn't going to leave me he was going to stay with me. About an hour or two later I finally stopped crying. I could hear Harry singing softly to me trying to  Soothe me in any way possible. I buried my face even further in his neck before reluctantly pulling away. "Thank you," I told him quietly looking down at my legs. He lightly grabbed my chin to tell I was looking into his eyes. "Don't hide from me. I'm not going to leave and there is no reason to thank me." He said looking me in the eyes before leaning forward and kissing my forehead. I sat there still as a statue he kissed me even if it was just on the head. He promised not to leave. That's all I could ever hope for. Please I prayed don't let this be a dream please please, please. I lightly pinched my arm before realizing this was not a dream. I probably would have started to cry again if it was not for the fact I had spent the last two hours crying. I hugged him tight before falling back to sleep.

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