Ruby:"woah... Cool Semblance"

Yang:"yeah... He is cool..."

Yang was blushing and ruby saw this and said

Ruby:"someone's in love...."

Yang:"what? No!"

Ruby:"anyways lets go yang!"

Yang:"sorry sis i have to go to..."

Ruby:"wait your not coming with me?"

Yang:"gotta go! Makes lots of friends k?"

As yang left ruby tried running after her but she hit a bunch of boxes


Ruby was walking beside a friend she met jaune, they were currently on the school's halls.

Jaune:"soo who is this guy you met too?"

Ruby:"he's y/n goodwitch a thirdyear"

Jaune:"wait goodwitch? Isn't that a professor here?"

Ruby:"oh yeah! I remember now..."

Jaune:"you didn't notice until now?! "

Ruby:"not really..."

Jaune:"guess its fine... Anyways i gotta go put my stuff away see you ruby"

Ruby:"see you jaune"

As ruby was now walking alone on the halls she finally reached were they put their weapons and there she saw yang talking to y/n.


Yang:"oh ruby!"

Yang waved her sister over as they talked with y/n.

Ruby:"you left me alone..."

Yang:"no i did not, i left you so you could nake friends and you did!"


Yang:"i heard what happened earlier"


Y/n sweat dropped and said

Y/n:"what exactly happened earlier?"

Ruby:"i kinda crashed on a bunch of boxes and they were full of dust crystals"

Y/n:"and im going to guess they exploded"


Y/n:"also gonna guess they belong to weiss schnee"

Ruby:"how did you know?! Are you omnipotent y/n!"

Y/n:"nope, i just knew she was coming"

Ruby:"there was also a another girl there..."


Ruby:"i really don't remember..."

Y/n:"oops seems im being called, see you guys on the auditorium"

Ruby:"see you!"

As the sisters left and walked side by side they reached the auditorium where other students were gathering aswell.

Yang:"oh c'mon you two stop fighting"

Ruby:"yeah im really sorry"

Yang:"why don't you be friends?"

Ruby:"yeah! We could go shoping for school supplies together or shopping for dresses?"

Weiss:"yeah... And we'll paint our nails and talk about cute tall scragly blonde boys like him there"


Weiss:"no.. Hmpf"

As the mic was heard staring on ozpin talked.

Ozpin:"I'll keep this brief... As you have gathered here today you came in search or knowledge to hone your craft and to improve you plan to dedicat your life to the protection of the people, but i look amongst you and all i see is wasted energy in need of purpose and direction, you assume knowledge will free you at this but your time in this school will prove that knowledge will only carry you so far it is up to you to take the first step... "

Ozpin then walk's away from the mic as glynda steps in.

Glynda:" you will gather at the barn tonight to prepare for your initiation tomorrow your dismissed.. "

Yang:"he seem kind of off... "

Jaune then appeared and said

Jaune:"im a natural blond you know..."


As everyone gathered it was like a slumber party with boys also...

Ruby:"so what you reading? Blake?"

Blake:"it's a book about a man confronting with two persona's in his body fighting for control..."


Weiss:"can you keep quite, some people are trying to sleep you know!"

Ruby:"your the one who's noisy..."

Yang:"hey whats your problem with my sister?!"

Weiss:"my problem is she's being noisy!"

Ruby:"i kinda was..."

Weiss:"now your on my side?"

As the three were arguing blake removed the light...

Sword of Supremacy (Rwby fanfic book) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя