I won't lie, Tae-soo girlfriend was actually really cute. She seemed to be almost as tall as me and had brown eyes and darker skin but I couldn't tell if that was her natural skin color or a tan.

Even though she got a bit confused for a second she quickly shook my hand and smiled back.

"It's nice to meet you too." Allyson added with a soothing voice. "Did you guys go to the same school or something?"

"Yes, actually," Tae-soo replied before I was able to say anything. "When I first came here from Korea Jesse helped me out a lot. My English wasn't good at all but I learned a lot from him."

"Oh, really?" Allyson said enthusiastically. "That's so kind of you."

"No, it was nothing." I answered awkwardly and slightly blushed. "He's making it sound like it's a big deal but I didn't do anything special."

"He's just too shy to take the credit." Tae-soo couldn't resist teasing me.

I was about to respond when I saw Tiffany's friend Connor approaching our table. He was out of breath and it seemed like he ran a marathon or something.

Once he finally got closer to us he looked at me in the eyes and stated. "Hey, Jesse, can I speak with you for a moment?"

"Yeah," I didn't know what he would possibly want from me so I was hesitant for a few seconds. "What's up?"

"Um... Can we talk alone?" Connor seemed very nervous for some reason. "It's sort of private."

I got even more confused after that. He and I had practically nothing in common except for the fact that we were both gay but that couldn't have been the reason why he wanted to talk to me. Only other factor I could think of was Jay. Connor probably wanted to ask me to stay away from him, probably because he believed I was into him or something, which was not the case by the way. Since I had already decided not to contact Jay anyways I figured I'd let Connor know he had nothing to worry about.

"Alight..." I answered after a few moments of awkward silence. Then I turned to Tae-soo and his girlfriend to say goodbye. "I'll see you guys later."

Connor suddenly grabbed my wrist quite tightly and ran away from the cafeteria as I struggled to keep the pace. It was becoming pretty difficult to not fall because of this awkward position he was dragging me from so I used my body weight with a bit of help from my muscles to stop for a second as we were in a less crowded area which made Connor turn back.

"Why did you want to speak with me?" I asked once he let go of my wrist.

"Look... it's urgent. You'll find out when we get there." Connor replied anxiously.

"I'm not going anywhere unless you tell me what's going on right now." I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrow waiting for his response.

"Um... It's about your grandmother. She's here... and... Uh... she wants to see you." Connor started mumbling but I figured it must have been because he was tired from all the running so I didn't question his suspicious tone.

"Grandma's here?" My eyes widened and I got worried. "What happened to her? Is she okay? Why is she here?"

"No... She's fine." Connor sighed from annoyance. "Ugh, just follow me and you'll find out what's going on."

I was so nervous that I completely ignored all the red flags that otherwise I would have easily spotted if the situation hadn't been this tense. He was giving away some weird vibes but as soon as he mentioned grandma my mind went completely blank as I became worried that she was sick or something but Connor just didn't know how to break the bad news to me.

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