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"Right Reg remembers what I told you always be polite and kind plus the wife and daughter are or at least I think are Veelas so please be on your best behaviour," Sirius told his son who was getting ready to floo to the Delacour's manor in France.

"father I think sometimes you forget im eight don't even know what you're on about ok now let us get going I like to meet new people" Regulus reminded his father.

"Alright fine let us get going but don't scare them off with the more psychopathic side you used back in azzy " confessed Sirius to the eight-year-old.

"I think I was crying most of the time unless you want me to break down in tears. I think your the mad one Sirius you need controlling." the curly-haired child shit him a cheeky grin.

"ok fine mother I will try my best but please for the love of merlin let's get going" Sirius grumbled. After the pair frowned some green powder in the fireplace, they shouted their destination. they were off in what seemed to be a giant tube pulling them very through the barrier between space and time. From what seemed to go on for ages they landed not quite gracefully on a hard floor.

rolling off the ground Regulus was met with a peal of light laughter. He was standing in a room that was more likely designed for floo travel it looked like something the greek gods have it was a white room but it had pillars with lots of tiny details around them, if this is what one room looked like he would be in shock before even looking at the whole house.

For a few seconds, he was about to talk but then Sirius was not so graceful as his son fell flat on his face. A new round of laughter was heard before Sirius spoke up.

"nice to see you once again Marcel and Adalene I see you have two lovely daughters" Sirius recognized.

"Nice to see you again Sirius I have two wonderful daughters the oldest is Fleur she is eight years old when my youngest is Gabrielle only a few months old. and I see you have a handsome young son here" Marcelle introduced.

The Delacour's were the richest wizarding family in France. Marcelle stood at six feet tall, the man dressed in a muggle designer suit, he hands sandy blonde hair that was styled to the side. Marcelle had warm blue eyes that you would feel calm just looking into. He was the Minister of Magic for France and a great Auror.

Adalene was a tall lady she had what seemed to be blond hair, not Malfoy but it looked real and not fake. She was dressed in a blue summer dress because it was warm in France at the moment. Adalene had pale blue eyes that looked cold at first look but if you looked more you can see she was a calm, good-tempered lady. She worked at the wizarding hospital in France.

Next to her was her oldest Fluer, she has long blonde hair that was neatly styled and came just above her waist. Fleur was short at the moment but she would grow tall to be her mother's height. she wore a dress a similar colour to her mothers but it came to her shoes instead. She had the same colour eyes as her dads but they had the same warmth in them as her mums. lastly was Gabrielle, she is a chubby baby, tho currently asleep you can more likely tell she has these piercing blue eyes like the rest of her family.

"This is my son Regulus Black he is also eight years of age," Sirius told the family of blondes. They looked at Regulus and they seemed to tell he looked like a nice boy and a friend for their little girls.

"well, then Fluer dear why don't you take young Regulus here on a tour around our house why do the adults talk ok," Adalene asked her oldest.

"ok mummy," fleurs said dragging the boy along with her in a not so pureblood style.

"be good children" Sirius shouted after the two eight-year-olds. Marcelle just laughed along with his friend why Adalene suppressed her chuckle.

Fleur led regulus around the many hallways of their big family home. she was delighted to have someone finally to talk to. She didn't have many friends because due to being a veela the girls her age were angry because they thought when she grows up she would steal their boyfriends away. Her mother told her not to worry because veelas only have one true love they will stay with their whole life.

"Let us stop here and play a game for a moment to get to know each over" fleur suggested.

"ok, the" regulus agreed as fluer let him to a patch of grass at the back of the house.

"ok, so the rules are I asked a question and you need to answer it truffly then you do the same back" fleur directed.

"I start. What is it like having a younger sibling" Regulus asked

"a boring question but having a sibling is alright but she is a bit boring too small to play and loud when you try to go to sleep"the blonde witch answered.

"my question do you have any friends," fleurs asked the black-haired kid the front of her.

"Actually no I do not yet father has many friends with children but they are all stuck up and annoying they are no fun" regulus answered truthfully.

"Will you be my friend?"fluer asked hoping he will say yes.

"hmmmmm yes I will be your friend and you will be my first friend" regulus replied happily his hair turning bright blue.

"wow, your a metamorphmagi that's so cool" fleurs ogled.

"what's your favourite colour then I will try to turn my hair that colour" Regulus asked the girl. he has never tried it before but he will hope it works.

"Ummm let me think mmmm oh it is purple" Fleur told him. regulus scrunched up his face in concentration and after a minute his hair became a light shade of purple. fleur let out a little squeal of surprise before hugging him and he hugged her back.

"hey regulus will you be my best friend forever and ever," she asked.

"I will" he answered her question surprised that anyone will even want to be his friend.

The adults went to the living room as soon as the two children ran off together.

"so Sirius I read your letter the one you told me about you and your sons stay in Azkaban and I am deeply sorry for the both of you but on the other hand you looked to clear up well, "Adalene told the curly-haired man.

"yes thank you it was better to get out of that dump of a place it was no place to raise a child" Sirius answered.

"now Sirius you need to tell me the truth on how he got there because we know he wouldn't get sent straight to Azkaban after his 'mother' died"Marcelle figured.

so Sirius told him the whole truth even was his true name and were regulus acted insane at times as well. After he told them they looked shocked, to say the least.

They never understood the part of why the child was in there but understood why he acted insane they just hoped he never hurt their daughters.

"well, I have nothing to say no questions I'm just glad that you and your son are now out of there," Adalene said "speaking of children I think they are in the back garden.

the three adults walked around the house till they can to the back garden. They saw the two eight-year-olds laughing and having fun, it looks like the house-elf gave them some food and some drinks so they looked as if they were having a picnic.

"looks like you two are having fun but sorry to tell you but it's time for you to break apart you will see each other soon" Marcelle announced. They looked saddened by the news but they knew they cant stay other.

after bidding each over bye and a long hug between the two children the Delacour family watched the blacks leave.

"well, then fleur how did you find the Blacks," the mother asked her daughter when she was tucking her in bed.

"Sirius is a funny man and regulus is fun to talk to and know we are both best friends," fluer told her mother.

Adalene was happy her daughter was finally making a friend as not many children would talk to her. kissing her daughters forehead she left the room to go to her bedroom.

"so dear what did fleur tell you about today," Marcelle asked whilst reading a book in bed.

"she seems to like the Blacks says they are very nice and in sure Gabrielle quite liked Sirius by the way she laughed at him, I never heard a baby laughed so much in one day.

"well we need to sleep my dear so good night" the husband kissed his wife the good night before he fell into a deep sleep. an hour later all the inhabitants in the Delacour manor were all sleeping soundly dreaming of multiple different worlds.

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