The Lazarus Experiment Pt3:

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Medical services came and took the body of Lazarus, they carried him out on a gurney with a blanket covering him and the three walked down the stairs outside as they watched.

"She's here! Oh, she's all right!" Tish shouted as she rushed over and hugged Martha. "Ah, Mrs Jones, we still haven't finished our chat." The Doctor said as the woman stormed over to him and then she slapped him in the face. "Stay away from my daughter!" She demanded. "Mum, what are you doing?"

Galaxy placed a hand on the Doctor's cheek when she saw a red print forming and he leaned into her touch, her hand nice and cool against his stinging skin.

"It's always the mothers." She said with a slight laughter in her voice. "Every time." He agreed, smiling.

"He's dangerous. I've been told things." Mrs Jones said. "What are you talking about?" Martha asked, frowning. "Look around you. Nothing but death and destruction." She said. "This isn't his fault. He and Galaxy saved us, all of us!" Martha defended.

"It was Tish who invited everyone to this thing in the first place. I'd say, technically, it's her fault." Leo said and Tish elbowed him.

Suddenly, there was a crash and the Doctor and Galaxy ran off to check it out, they ran to the ambulance and it contained desiccated corpses.

"Lazarus back from the dead. Should have known, really." The Doctor said as he used his sonic to scan the area. "Where's he gone?" Martha asked as she and Tish joined them. "That way. The church." He said, getting a direction.

"Cathedral." Tish corrected and they looked at her, "It's Southwark Cathedral. He told me." She said.

They walked inside, slowly moving up the aisle with the Doctor still having his sonic held out in front of him.

"Do you think he's in here?" Martha asked, quietly. "Where else would you go if you were looking for sanctuary?" Galaxy asked as they got closer to the front they saw Lazarus huddled up behind the altar, wrapped in the red blanket.

"I came here before, a lifetime ago. I thought I was going to die then. In fact, I was sure of it. I sat here, just a child, the sound of planes and bombs outside."

"The Blitz." Galaxy said. "You've read about it." He said as he looked up at her. "I was there. Roamed through the streets." She told him. "You're too young." Lazarus laughed but it turned into a gasp of pain as he fought the mutation.

"In the morning, the fires had died, and I was still alive. I swore I'd never face death like that again. So, defenceless. I would arm myself, fight back, defeat it."

"That's what you were hoping to do today?" Galaxy asked him. "That's what I did today." He corrected. "And what about those that died?" She asked him, frowning. "They were nothing. I changed the course of history."

"Any of them might have done the same. You think history's only made with equations? Facing death is part of being human and you can't change that." Galaxy told him. "No, Galaxy. Avoiding death, that's being human. It's our strongest impulse, to cling to life with every fibre of being. I'm only doing what everyone before me has tried to do. I've simply been more successful."

"Look at yourself. You're mutating! You've no control over it. You call that a success?" The Doctor asked. "I call it progress. I'm more now than I was. More than just an ordinary human." Lazarus said. "There's no such thing as an ordinary human."

"He's going to change again any minute." Martha said to the two. "We know. If we can get him up into the bell tower somehow, I've an idea that might work." The Doctor told her. "Up there?"

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