Well This is a Fur-prise {Fluff}

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Summary: Kelley arrives home with the grocery shopping...and a puppy.

A/N: I know Kelley has said multiple times that she's not ready to adopt a dog just yet, but this scenario is not entirely out of character ;) Also, sorry it's so short!

Word count: 600

She was impulsive, you knew that

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She was impulsive, you knew that.

You wouldn't go as far as to say you were used to it just yet, though you couldn't help but find it adorable when she'd spring plans on you, dragging you to anywhere and everywhere. You always marvel at the way she jumps in excitement when a new idea pops into her head, the giddy smiles and squeals when she details to you all the reasons why you both HAVE to go to the new mini golf place in the city.

Sometimes you warn her to be careful, like last summer when she decided to take you on an impromptu trip to some National Park in Wyoming. The accommodation was a rather eerie-looking shack and you reasonably suggested you both vet the place before making any hasty bookings. But she wouldn't hear any of it, "Who cares? It'll be an adventure!"

She's a whirlwind you're more than happy to get swept up in.

And boy did this sweep you off your feet.

"I passed the pet shop on the way home from the grocery store and I swear I was going to walk right past it. But I just had to stop when I saw this sign."

Kelley stood in front of you, shopping bag hanging off one arm and...furry animal in the other. She smiled sheepishly before handing you a piece of paper.

'Puppy up for adoption. Will be put down if home not found before the end of the week.'

"My heart broke in two when I saw it, even more so when I saw this little, fluffy cockapoo in a crate."

You scanned the paper first, then your girlfriend's eyes. That usual spark of enthusiasm was still there, but it was clouded by something else. They looked wounded, almost pleading.

Then you looked at the animal she held protectively in her left arm. One of its front legs was wrapped up in a bandage and it looked quite unwell, clearly becoming too much for the previous owner. And now here it was. In your living room.

You motion to take the dog out of her arms which she allows. You cradle it gently, stroking the top of its curly head and almost giggling when it lets out a whine of contentment. "I've never had a dog before."

"Well, do we now?" Kelley questions, subtly asking whether you could keep it. She sways on her heels in anticipation.

It was a bad idea. Your apartment was small and this dog - however cute it may be - was evidently quite sick and would need a lot of care, and with Kelley away working on movies and her album you wondered whether it would be too much for you both.

But then you look back at your girlfriend once again. She watches you hold the animal with such genuine love and admiration, her bright smile reaching her eyes. Keeping the puppy would make her happy, and you're most happy when she is.

She's won you over...again.

"I suppose we do."

Kelley instantly squealed. "Yay! This is so exciting!" She rushes up to you and plants a kiss on your cheek while giving the dog a quick boop on the nose. "What are we going to name it?"

Your lips form a smirk. "I was thinking maybe...a combination of your first and last name-"

"We are not naming it Jelley."

Kelley Jakle ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now