Sofia {angst}

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Requested by Jessleywillrise
Summary: Now you're gone, and all Kelley can do is write down what she wished she'd said and done.

Based on Kelley's song 'Sofia' from her EP which she wrote when she was 15/16. I would say go and listen to it but unfortunately it's been taken off the internet :( Just take my word for it, it's an AMAZING song.

Warnings: AU where you knew Kelley in high school. Angst. Mentions of death (implied suicide) and past bullying.

Word count: 1k

Kelley sits at her desk, pen resting in her quivering hand

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Kelley sits at her desk, pen resting in her quivering hand. It's light outside, the day as fresh as the news she wish she hadn't received.

She wants to pace. She wants to cry. She wants to distract herself from her harrowing consciousness. But the weight of this newfound knowledge is forcing her down.

She thinks of those chances missed. So many golden chances to tell you everything, to let herself want you, to help you. To make you smile. Oh, how she adored that smile.

Yet, the world is so harsh and emotions are complex. You understood that more than most.

But Kelley doesn't understand, in a way it's like she can't bring herself to.

Through her disorientation, her mind fills with memories of you. The mental track becomes clear and she starts to write.

Pay no attention to the fly on the wall

She's invisible

They walk right through her

Ignored and alone. You were as small and insignificant as a fly on the wall to most. "Pay no attention to her", they'd say. Kelley would watch it happen. You'd try to fit in, but each attempt ended in rejection. She could never imagine why. You seemed so sweet, so beautiful, almost too good for them. Too good for her.

And those rare times when people did notice you, they'd swat you away like some nuisance. Unwanted. Kelley's heart wrenches at the thought. Looking over at you, as your face morphs from hope to despair.

It wouldn't matter had you not come at all

Maybe it would if anyone knew her

Her pen etches the paper in vexation, her words are scars.

You wouldn't have been a nobody if someone had tried to know you. If someone had made you a somebody.

She grips her pen tighter, mentally berating herself and her timidity. She was never that someone. She was a bystander, watching your demise unfold like she were the audience and your life a tragedy.

Kelley Jakle ImaginesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat