In Sickness and in Health {Fluff}

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Summary: You're ill and Kelley being the softie she is insists on taking care of you.
Warnings: Just loads of fluff. All characters are over 18.
Word count: 800
Y/N = Your name

Let's be honest, you rarely ever got sick

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Let's be honest, you rarely ever got sick. And on the off chance you did catch a cold or a nasty bug, you'd try your absolute hardest to hide it from all of your friends.

"I don't need help", you would grumble as your friends tried to drag you home after a night out, your head pounding louder than the bass of the club and your vision obscured.

"I'll be okay", you'd try to reassure as you amble into work with a blocked nose and a pocket full of tissues.

You never let anyone take care of you when you were sick.

That is, until Kelley came along.

You still try to hide your sickness from her when it does occur, because you know how much she would worry herself and SMOTHER you.

But your attempts at a healthy facade are always futile. Because she notices when you cough in the middle of the night and try to stifle it, moving away from her body and curling up into a ball.

She notices each quiet sniffle, each little groan of discomfort.

And you were right. She smothers you because of it.

"Where do you think you're going, sweetheart?" Kelley asks and you jump, because she's never usually up so early unless she's decided to go full housewife and make you breakfast.

"Good morning to you too. I'm just going to work babe." Your sentence comes out raspier than you had intended and you internally pray your girlfriend didn't notice.

Kelley arches an eyebrow at you and reaches her arm out to drag you back into bed.

"Nuh-uh! You're staying in bed today."

"Seriously Kel, I'm fine", you try to assure her as you cough loudly, taking a few shakey steps towards the door of your shared bedroom.

"Y/N you were coughing almost the entire night, and I can see you sweating as we speak. Please let me take your temperature."

Leaping out of bed, Kelley carefully takes hold of your hands, rubbing her thumb over your fingers soothingly and guiding you back towards the edge of the bed. Fervently, she goes into the bathroom, quickly returning with a thermometer.

"Open up!"

You do as instructed as she pops the thermometer into your mouth, surprising yourself at how little resistance you put up against her care.

You smile at Kelley in her favourite pyjamas. Those red plaid ones you got her for Christmas the year before. You remember her telling you how much she loved them and how amazing they would be to cuddle you in.

Sitting beside you on the bed, Kelley slides her hand down your back and begins to rub circles, the lightness of it making you shiver. You instinctively melt into her touch and slowly move to rest your head on her shoulder, eyes closing and your breath steady.

Suddenly the thermometer beeps, bringing you out of your momentary bliss.

"38.5? Oh my poor baby has a fever." Kelley holds the instrument in her hand, looking at you with concern and using her other hand to stroke your face gently. She decided that she definitely wasn't letting you out of her sight today. You were bed-bound whether you liked it or not.

"I don't feel that bad, I swear." You say with little gusto, succumbing to your illness and your girlfriend's affection.

Kelley places a soft kiss on your temple, slightly amused at your diminishing stubbornness.

"You're sick, and I'm going to take care of you okay?"

She barely has to touch you before you lean back into bed, almost entranced by her soothing tone.

"But then you'll catch it from me."

She smiles adoringly at you, because of all the objections she expected you to say, that was the sweetest one to hear.

"You know I don't care about that, I'd rather be sick with you than let you go off to work and make yourself feel worse. You're my girlfriend, Y/N and I love you."

After draping the covers over you and fetching some medicine for your fever, Kelley climbs back into bed with you.

You snuggle into her chest, listening to the soft patter of her heartbeat and wondering what you did to deserve someone as caring as her.

"Hey Kel?"

"Yeah?" She perks up, ready to be of service.

"I love you too."

You felt her hold you closer, her breath tickling the top of your head. And you just knew those simple four words made her smile.

She always got her way with you. Was it those impossibly beautiful, blue eyes of hers that swayed you? Or that soft voice? Or her tender, loving touch?

In any case, only one thing's for sure: Kelley adores taking care of you. And you were really starting to like it.

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