Azami put her phone down on the futon and layed down on her side. For some odd reason she had a weird feeling about the practice match tomorrow.

"You okay?" Azami turned to see Suga standing in the doorway. She smiled and he walked over, sitting down beside her.

"I don't know," she said. "For some reason I'm upset but...I don't know why."

"What do you have to be upset about?" He asked. "You're gorgeously hot and you have great friends. Why be upset?"

She shrugged and he pulled her into a side hug, rubbing her shoulder. It was slightly comforting having Suga there. He was the first friend she ever made when she started her first year there.

"Can you not hold my sister?" Azami frowned at her brother who stood in the doorway. Suga slowly let his arm drop beside him.

"Shut up Keishin," she said. "Besides we both know that Ko-kun here is gay. Isn't that right Ko-kun?" She looked at Suga and his cheeks were dusted in pink.

"Um," Suga said. "I'm going to uh...go." Suga stood up awkwardly and left the room making Azami giggle.

She fell back onto her futon and looked up at the ceiling. She really hated the strange and sickening feeling in her gut that something was going to happen tomorrow. It was so weird.

"Hey Shortstack." she turned just in time to see and object fly through the air. She grabbed it and looked at it. It was a Karasuno jacket. "Welcome to the team."

Azami smiled, folding the jacket up and setting it to the side. Maybe being assisstant coach wouldn't be that bad.

She turned around and played on her side, ready for whatever the next day had in store.

-timeskip brought you by huh these characters's met two chapter ago, let's make them meet again!-

Azami rushed around the kitchen the next morning alongside Kiyoko making breakfast for the players. This time, Azami ate. She then grabbed her changeof clothes and got ready.In the end, like Kiyoko, she wore a black jacket and pants along with a white undershirt.

According to her brother, the practice match would be held at the Karasuno Sports Park, Ball Game Grounds. The team walked closer to the building and Azami squinted at it. "We have one of these?" she asked her brother.

He shrugged, "This is mainly where the community teams, play, we're borrowing it for the day." Azami nodded.

"Line up!" Azami almost jumped out of her skin when Daichi yelled and the team lined up in front of the Nekoma team. She continued walking, past both teams and toward the doors.

And there she waited. Both teams bowed and went to head into the gym. And then she noticed a tragedy. Hinata was talking to one of Nekoma's players while Tanaka and a guy with a mowhawk were sizing each other up. Then Suga and another player from Nekoma stopped them.

And that's when Kiyoko entered the premises causing the mowhawk man to freak out.

"Oi!! Ryu-kun!" she called. Tanaka and the mowhawk guy turned and the mowhawk guy freaked out again. "Get inside, the match is going to be starting soon."

She followed the players into the gym. Making, her way to Karasuno's side she pulled out her clipboard. She gave each player an assignment that they needed to work on and then sent them off to work on it.

"How's it going?" her brother asked, standing beside her.

"It's fine, they're all doing their drills," she said. "As long as they can apply to game time, depending on how good Nekoma is of course, we might actually stand a chance."

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