Chapter Nineteen: The schemer, crossroads and Matrix

Start from the beginning

I hesitated speaking. 

"Well then," Valentin continued. "Will you take the red or blue door?"

"Aren't you supposed to tell me what happens when I take either side?:

"Oh, I'm supposed to, aren't I?"

I looked at him in disbelief. 

"And here I was thinking you'd enjoy surprises." He shrugged his shoulders. "Well blue means you get to return to past life."



"But won't you cut my head off?"

"Do you want me to?"

I defensively put my arms in front of my neck. "Um, no!" 

He chuckled. "You really love your life, huh?"

"Who doesn't?" 

He paused for a moment and decided not to answer my question. "So red door here means you get to stay in this world."

"At the risk of my head being cut off? Well, isn't this an easy choice. I could leave now and go to my past life where I . . ." I trailed off. Go to my past life that I cannot even remember now?

"Dun dun dun~" He sang as if he was a human sound effect generator. "Not so easy now, is it? If you stay here, I guarantee that you will have all the answers that you are looking for."

"This really is a Matrix situation!" 

"So what would it be, Marcella?"

"W-what would happen to this world if I leave?" 

He smirked. "As much as I would like to say that everything will be alright, I'd have to be honest and tell you that it won't."

"But, isn't that what you want? For me to get out of this world for good?"

"Ah, that was before we struck a deal. You see, if you just kindly sacrificed yourself when we first met, there would hardly be any effects on this world. Unfortunately, you are too selfish and chose to keep living so, here we are. If you leave this world, it will probably collapse. You have immersed yourself too deeply in the storyline. All important characters have made a connection with you so it is already too late to go back."

"You didn't tell me this would happen!"

"Why not be selfish once more and leave, huh? It'd hardly make a difference since you'll be already going to your previous life where everything seems normal," Valentin teased.

"How could you-"

"But if you choose the red door, you could still save this world! Now, isn't that exciting? As long as the heroine ends up with a capture target, the day is saved and we all live happily ever after. Of course, if she fails to do so, then," he made a gesture as if implying an explosion. "Goodbye world."

I pondered at my decision. They say that crossroads in life make you realize what kind of person you are. But this crossroad made me confuse myself even more. Valentin was right, I am a selfish person . . .

. . . however, I still cannot leave everyone in this world to their impending doom knowing that I could still do something to change it. 

Taking my steps forward, I reached out my hand to the red door and opened it. What me was just nothingness. 

"Hm, so you are confused about yourself?" Valentin walked towards me as I stared at the abyss beyond the red door. "You do know it is still not too late to just leave this all behind."

I glanced at the red door and sighed. "Should I?"

Valentin smirked. "Just kidding." 

Then he pushed me to the abyss as I screamed curses at his figure getting smaller and smaller while I plunged into and endless pit. 

As I braced myself for the fall, I could distinctly hear his last words. 

"By the way, you might want to double your efforts . Your time is running out. Tick tock."

And just like that, my eyes opened to four years later.



Um, hi guys? Are you still reading this book? If you were with me since day 1 then I really appreciate you for sticking with this poorly written novel LMAO I do not have any excuses for being on a hiatus for so long except for the fact that I needed a mental break. 

These past few months, I have been really stressed about everything. As much as I want to write, it just feels like my mind doesn't even want to spit out another sentence nor word just to continue this story. I admit I may seem like a lackadaisical writer but I still do not want to serve you guys a half-baked story knowing that there are really people out there who somehow (for some unknown reason) genuinely appreciate this story. And for that, thank you.

What made me return were actually your comments. I uninstalled my Wattpad before because I wanted to find peace without social media and stuff. Then on a whim, I decided to log in to a browser just to check on this story. I was overwhelmed by, albeit not phenomenally numerous, your comments and funny observations on the story. I feel embarrassed as a writer so I made a decision to come back to writing. 

Welp, enough of that melodramatic sentiment. I just hope that wherever you are, you are in a safe and happy place. Stay hydrated and always be safe!


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