Clubbing, part 2

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A/N: there's going to be a part 3 soon! 

Din's Point of View

The trio was still hurtling through hyperspace and probably would be for another hour.

Fennec had the brilliant idea to teach Din how to dance, which she'd apparently had to learn while working undercover in a circus. She, Din and Boba were crowded into the hold, some tinny, outdated leap-jump music playing from a comm unit.

"All right," Fennec said, her dress dazzling in front of them. "This dance is just called Basic. It doesn't have any special moves, which should be good for you two."

Din looked up, a small grin sliding into place. He was good at physical stuff.

Fennec continued, "The first thing you have to do is get loose."

Uh-oh. Din exchanged a look with Boba. Relaxing had never been a strong suit for either of them.

"Imagine a waterfall, then try to let your arms drift in a floating sort of way."

Din awkwardly attempted to follow suit, frowning. His arms just wouldn't wiggle -- they hovered rigidly in the air in front of his chest. Next to him, Boba wasn't having much luck either. Fennec tried a different tactic.

"If you were a blanket and were draped over a chair, you'd fold over it. Just become like jelly."

"If I do that, I'll fall over," Din burst out, frustrated.

Fennec pursed her lips and held up a finger, climbing a ladder into the maintenance crawl space.

Din slumped against the wall. "If I can't get loose, how am I going to learn how to dance?"

Boba pulled Din into a hug. "I'm sure you'll figure it out. You always do." That made Din smile a little. He began to relax against the shorter man's chest.

He jerked out of Boba's grasp, however, when he felt himself start to rise off the ground. "Did Fennec turn off the artificial gravity?" he yelped once he was freely floating in the room, Boba doing the same next to him.

Fennec drifted back down from the maintenance shaft. "Now can you be loose?"

Desperately pinwheeling his arms, Din gritted out, "How do you move?"

Fennec looked him dead in the eyes. "You relax."

So Din tried all his usual tactics -- rolling shoulders, taking deep breaths, faking smiles. Eventually, he'd detached enough to ask, "Now what?"

Fennec smirked. "The thing about Basic is that it's so simple that there are no official moves. Just move your arms and your legs however you want."

Fennec proceeded to do an oddly robotic dance, moving her stiff arms in jerky movements before transitioning to one where she put a hand on her hip and used the other one to point from the floor to the ceiling. 

Din tried moving his legs to imitate a bird he'd seen once, flexing his legs straight and back up to his chest. "There! You're doing it!" Fennec cheered, and swam back up to the maintenance shaft. A few moments later, they'd landed back on the ground, and Boba announced that he was going to take them out of hyperspace. 

He left for the cockpit, and Fennec touched Din's arm. "Hey," she spoke, and Din turned towards her. "You did well. Good job relaxing."

She disappeared back into the cockpit with a small smile as the ship dropped out of hyperspace near Tatooine.

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