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Obi-Wan's Point of View

Obi-Wan reclined in his bunk, looking across at Jango, on the other top bunk. Cody and Rex were asleep beneath them, snoring softly. Jango flipped over to face away from the wall, brow furrowing as he tried to sleep without success.

Obi-Wan knew he wouldn't be able to, so he didn't even try. He was multitasking, meditating and talking to himself at the same time. He did a great job at pushing through, but it was hard sometimes, with all the war and the death and attachment. He let a small ball bob above his forehead, lifting it up and letting it drop in midair.

Jango gave a frustrated sigh, and Obi-Wan glanced over as his eyes flew open. "Can't sleep?" Obi-Wan whispered.

Jango shook his head and sat up, legs dangling off the edge of his bunk. He yawned and leapt to the floor, exiting the dormitory and turning the corner. Obi-Wan sat up and caught the ball in one hand, landing with tooka-like accuracy and following Jango to the cockpit.

Jango sat down in the copilot's chair and lazily rested his feet on the controls. Obi-Wan sat down and looked over the readouts, the blue glare of hyperspace flashing over his face. He leaned over to flip a few switches to make sure they were on the right track.

"What's that?" Jango asked, pointing to Obi-Wan's shoulder, who glanced down at it. A scar was showing where his night tunic had slipped off Obi-Wan's arm.

"I got that scar when a crate exploded near me. That's where a piece of shrapnel cut it," Obi-Wan explained.

"Not particularly interesting," Jango groaned, slouching low in his seat.

"Why? You have a better story?" Obi-Wan replied, amused.

Jango smirked. "This one," he started, indicating a line above his left eye, "I got when a draagax clawed my face."

"Oh yeah? Well, what about this one?" Obi-Wan extended his arm and pulled up his sleeve. A single scar extended from his forearm to his elbow. "I was sparring against Ventress and she nicked me with a serrated whipcord."

Jango quirked an eyebrow, indicating he might have been just the tiniest bit impressed. He traced a crescent-shaped scar on his right cheekbone. "A Cerean used their fingernails for this one. It stung for weeks."

Obi-Wan whistled. "Can't say I've ever recieved one in such a personal manner," he laughed. "The Nightsisters on Dathomir had the most peculiar enchanted plasma bows. One of their arrows skinned both my shoulder blades."

"I'd like to see that for myself," Jango huffed, crossing his arms. When Obi-Wan didn't move, Jango tapped his foot impatiently. 

So Obi-Wan was left to twist his night tunic down his back until Jango could see the scars, which had healed purple like the plasma.

"Huh," Jango murmured. Then he narrowed his eyes. "What's that?"

"What's what?"

"That little black thing on your side. Is it a tattoo?"

Obi-Wan quickly let his shirt fully cover his back. "Just a freckle," he replied, but his heart was beating rather quickly. Tattoos not for cultural purposes were generally frowned upon in the Order.

"Riiight," Jango drew out the word. "Come on, Obi, 'fess up."

Obi-Wan rolled his eyes. "I said something on Tatooine about picking up yet another pathetic lifeform, because a Gungan was traveling with us. But Qui-Gon insisted. He was always so compassionate to all beings." Obi-Wan smiled sadly. "When he died, I chose to remind myself of that. The tattoo reads, 'Kindness is our greatest strength.'"

Jango's face showed smugness, but his eyes were soft. "That's very honorable of you, Obi."

"Thank you, Jango," Obi-Wan replied, reminding himself of the nature of the mission. He looked down at his hands. "I think the scar that Cerean gave you is the most impressive of any of ours. How exactly did their nails get into your face?"

Jango recounted the story animatedly, and their boisterous laughter woke up the clones, who were more than happy to show off their scars.

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