Flashbacks (JO)

78 3 7

TW: head-banging (brief)

Obi-Wan's Point of View

Anakin jumped; he flew though the air next to Obi-Wan, falling through his lightsaber. His legs fell straight to the ground, he himself roaring in pain and tumbling down the dirt-covered slope. Groaning, his Sith-yellow eyes were filled with hatred as he tried to tug himself back up the slope.

Obi-Wan slowly clipped his lightsaber back on his belt, tears pricking his eyes. "You were the chosen one!" he yelled. "It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them!"

Chest heaving with emotion, he continued, "Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!" He turned to go, not bearing the thought of seeing Ani like that any longer.

"I hate you!" Anakin spat, and Obi-Wan turned, sure his face was showing the betrayal he felt. 

Somehow managing to hold the tears in and keep them from escaping, he said, resigned, "You were my brother, Anakin." He hesitated, one tear leaking out and mingling with sweat. "I loved you."

And then the legs of the young boy so strong in the Force that Qui-Gon trained caught fire, and his agonized groaning filled the air.

Obi-Wan, disgusted, pained, and horrified, turned and left back over the ridge, with a heavy heart and sadness filling every bone in his body. Anakin was gone, and Obi-Wan's optimism gone with him.

• • • • •

Obi-Wan woke up, panting, tears in his eyes and on his pillow. He wanted to go back to bed, but he knew if he did, the same scene would play out again and again. Even now, he could see it on his eyelids and in the dark room, so he turned on the light, opening a window to see the blue column of hyperspace. It looked too much like his old lightsaber, so he closed his eyes again, wishing that something else would appear.

He banged his head against the wall and for a moment saw only stars, doing it again to get that new vision.

After doing it twice more, however, the ache behind his eyes flared up and it looked red, red like the lava that Anakin had --

A knock echoed at the door. Obi-Wan felt the person's Force signature as a dark purple blob, concern and worry filling the room until it almost hurt to breathe. "Come in," Obi-Wan called softly, not wanting to wake the other passengers on the large ship.

Obi-Wan heard the door open and close, felt -- well, more like saw -- the Force signature swell to a bluer color, then back down to purple and towards magenta. "Are you all right?" a familiar voice asked, and Obi-Wan breathed, "Jango."

Jango chuckled. "What are you doing here?" Obi-Wan asked, sagging back into the bed.

"The Republic wanted to question me on what I knew about the clones. I thought I'd stop by and see my favorite person."

Obi-Wan finally opened his eyes, the headache fading to a dull throb. "Mmm. Why all the worry, then?"

"I heard some banging in here, noticed your name on the door, and thought I'd check in to see if everything's okay."

Obi-Wan winced at a particularly sharp stab of headache. "Oh, yeah. I just have a headache. No big deal."

Jango raised an eyebrow, coming to sit down on the edge of the bed and removing his boots. "What was the banging, then?"

Obi-Wan covered half his face with a hand. "My head was having a close interaction with the wall." He closed his eyes to avoid seeing Jango's reaction, but that didn't mean he wouldn't feel it.

Jango turned red with anger, saying, "I thought we were past that!" But then his aura softened to a green, and with it, his tone. "Were you having nightmares again?" He bent down and smoothed the hair off Obi-Wan's forehead.

Obi-Wan nodded. The color around Jango faded to a light blue, and he puzzled why Jango was projecting it so much.

"Here. Try to get some more sleep, I'll wake you up if you start shaking." Obi-Wan grinned, knowing that he wouldn't have nightmares if Jango was there.

The lights faded out and Jango's strong arms wrapped around Obi-Wan, leaving him unable to think about anything but the spicy scent that clung to his boyfriend.

He soon drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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